path: root/sdl/glframe.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'sdl/glframe.c')
1 files changed, 42 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/sdl/glframe.c b/sdl/glframe.c
index e9c31e3..b3dc33e 100644
--- a/sdl/glframe.c
+++ b/sdl/glframe.c
@@ -67,7 +67,9 @@ void glframe_apply_camera_transform(GLFrame *frame)
int rot_only = 0;
M3DMatrix44f m;
- glframe_get_camera_orientation(frame, m);
+ glframe_get_camera_orientation(frame, m);
+ m3dPrintMatrix44f(m);
/* if rotation only, then do not do the translation */
@@ -91,20 +93,51 @@ void glframe_move_forward(GLFrame *frame, float delta)
frame->v_location[2] += frame->v_forward[2] * delta;
+/* rotate left or right */
void glframe_rotate_local_y(GLFrame *frame, float angle)
- M3DMatrix44f rotMat;
+ M3DMatrix44f rotmat;
+ M3DVector3f newvect;
/* just rotate around the up vector */
- /* create a rotation matrix around my Up (Y) vector */
- m3dRotationMatrix44f(rotMat, angle, frame->v_up[0], frame->v_up[1], frame->v_up[2]);
+ /* create a rotation matrix around up vector */
+ m3dRotationMatrix44f(rotmat, angle, frame->v_up[0], frame->v_up[1], frame->v_up[2]);
+ /* rotate forward pointing vector (inlined 3x3 transform) */
+ newvect[0] = rotmat[0] * frame->v_forward[0] + rotmat[4] * frame->v_forward[1] + rotmat[8] * frame->v_forward[2];
+ newvect[1] = rotmat[1] * frame->v_forward[0] + rotmat[5] * frame->v_forward[1] + rotmat[9] * frame->v_forward[2];
+ newvect[2] = rotmat[2] * frame->v_forward[0] + rotmat[6] * frame->v_forward[1] + rotmat[10] * frame->v_forward[2];
+ m3dCopyVector3f(frame->v_forward, newvect);
- M3DVector3f newVect;
+/* rotate up or down */
+void glframe_rotate_local_x(GLFrame *frame, float angle)
+ M3DMatrix44f rotmat;
+ M3DVector3f newfwdvec;
+ M3DVector3f newupvec;
+ M3DVector3f x, z;
+ /* z vector is reversed */
+ z[0] = -frame->v_forward[0];
+ z[1] = -frame->v_forward[1];
+ z[2] = -frame->v_forward[2];
+ /* x vector = y cross z */
+ m3dCrossProductf(x, frame->v_up, z);
+ /* create a rotation matrix around x axis */
+ m3dRotationMatrix44f(rotmat, angle, x[0], x[1], x[2]);
/* rotate forward pointing vector (inlined 3x3 transform) */
- newVect[0] = rotMat[0] * frame->v_forward[0] + rotMat[4] * frame->v_forward[1] + rotMat[8] * frame->v_forward[2];
- newVect[1] = rotMat[1] * frame->v_forward[0] + rotMat[5] * frame->v_forward[1] + rotMat[9] * frame->v_forward[2];
- newVect[2] = rotMat[2] * frame->v_forward[0] + rotMat[6] * frame->v_forward[1] + rotMat[10] * frame->v_forward[2];
- m3dCopyVector3f(frame->v_forward, newVect);
+ newfwdvec[0] = rotmat[0] * frame->v_forward[0] + rotmat[4] * frame->v_forward[1] + rotmat[8] * frame->v_forward[2];
+ newfwdvec[1] = rotmat[1] * frame->v_forward[0] + rotmat[5] * frame->v_forward[1] + rotmat[9] * frame->v_forward[2];
+ newfwdvec[2] = rotmat[2] * frame->v_forward[0] + rotmat[6] * frame->v_forward[1] + rotmat[10] * frame->v_forward[2];
+ /* calculate new up vector */
+ m3dCrossProductf(newupvec, x, newfwdvec);
+ m3dCopyVector3f(frame->v_forward, newfwdvec);
+ m3dCopyVector3f(frame->v_up, newupvec);