diff options
-rwxr-xr-x | macos/homecall.sh | 178 | ||||
-rwxr-xr-x | macos/homecall2.sh | 174 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | macos/notes.txt | 2 |
3 files changed, 354 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macos/homecall.sh b/macos/homecall.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000..57ec0a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/macos/homecall.sh @@ -0,0 +1,178 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +DAEMONS=() +DAEMONS+=('com.apple.netbiosd') #Netbiosd is microsoft's networking service. used to share files between mac and windows +#DAEMONS+=('com.apple.preferences.timezone.admintool') #Time setting daemon +#DAEMONS+=('com.apple.preferences.timezone.auto') #Time setting daemon +#DAEMONS+=('com.apple.remotepairtool') #Pairing devices remotely +#DAEMONS+=('com.apple.rpmuxd') #daemon for remote debugging of mobile devices. +#DAEMONS+=('com.apple.security.FDERecoveryAgent') #Full Disk Ecnryption - Related to File Vault https://developer.apple.com/legacy/library/documentation/Darwin/Reference/ManPages/man8/FDERecoveryAgent.8.html +DAEMONS+=('com.apple.icloud.findmydeviced') #Related to find my mac +DAEMONS+=('com.apple.findmymacmessenger') #Related to find my mac daemon, propably act on commands sent through FindMyDevice in iCloud +DAEMONS+=('com.apple.familycontrols') #Parent control +DAEMONS+=('com.apple.findmymac') #Find my mac daemon +#DAEMONS+=('com.apple.AirPlayXPCHelper') #Airplay daemon +DAEMONS+=('com.apple.SubmitDiagInfo') #Feedback - most likely it submits your computer data when click 'About this mac' +DAEMONS+=('com.apple.screensharing') #Screensharing daemon +DAEMONS+=('com.apple.appleseed.fbahelperd') #Related to feedback +DAEMONS+=('com.apple.apsd') #Apple Push Notification Service (apsd) - it's calling home quite often + used by Facetime and Messages +DAEMONS+=('com.apple.AOSNotificationOSX') #Notifications +#DAEMONS+=('com.apple.FileSyncAgent.sshd') #Mostlikely sshd on this machine +DAEMONS+=('com.apple.ManagedClient.cloudconfigurationd') #Related to manage current macOS user iCloud +#DAEMONS+=('com.apple.ManagedClient.enroll') #Related to manage current macOS user +#DAEMONS+=('com.apple.ManagedClient') #Related to manage current macOS user +#DAEMONS+=('com.apple.ManagedClient.startup') #Related to manage current macOS user +DAEMONS+=('com.apple.iCloudStats') #Related to iCloud +DAEMONS+=('com.apple.locationd') #Propably reading current location +DAEMONS+=('com.apple.mbicloudsetupd') #iCloud Settings +#DAEMONS+=('com.apple.laterscheduler') #Schedule something? +DAEMONS+=('com.apple.awacsd') #Apple Wide Area Connectivity Service daemon - Back to My Mac Feature +#DAEMONS+=('com.apple.eapolcfg_auth') #perform privileged operations required by certain EAPOLClientConfiguration.h APIs +DAEMONS+=('com.apple.awdd') #Sending out diagnostics & usage +DAEMONS+=('com.apple.CrashReporterSupportHelper') #Crash reporter +#DAEMONS+=('com.apple.trustd') #Propably related to certificates + +AGENTS=() +AGENTS+=('com.apple.photoanalysisd') #Apple AI to analyse photos stored in Photos.app, most likely to match faces and scenery but it happens to make requests to Apple during process, i have not checked what are those requestes i have just blocked it with Little Snitch +#AGENTS+=('com.apple.telephonyutilities.callservicesd') #Handling phone and facetime calls +#AGENTS+=('com.apple.AirPlayUIAgent') #Related Airport +#AGENTS+=('com.apple.AirPortBaseStationAgent') #Related Airport +#AGENTS+=('com.apple.CalendarAgent') #Calendar events related to iCloud +AGENTS+=('com.apple.iCloudUserNotifications') #iCloud notifications, like reminders +#AGENTS+=('com.apple.familycircled') #Family notifications, like reminders +#AGENTS+=('com.apple.familycontrols.useragent') #Family notifications, like reminders +#AGENTS+=('com.apple.familynotificationd') #Family notifications, like reminders +#AGENTS+=('com.apple.gamed') #GameCenter +AGENTS+=('com.apple.icloud.findmydeviced.findmydevice-user-agent') #Find my device ? +AGENTS+=('com.apple.icloud.fmfd') #Find my device ? +#AGENTS+=('com.apple.imagent') #Facetime & Messages +AGENTS+=('com.apple.cloudfamilyrestrictionsd-mac') #iCloud Family restrictions +AGENTS+=('com.apple.cloudpaird') #Related to iCloud +AGENTS+=('com.apple.cloudphotosd') #Propably syncing your photos to icloud +AGENTS+=('com.apple.DictationIM') #Dictation +AGENTS+=('com.apple.assistant_service') #Siri +AGENTS+=('com.apple.CallHistorySyncHelper') #Related to call history syncing (iCloud) +AGENTS+=('com.apple.CallHistoryPluginHelper') #Related to call history (iCloud) +AGENTS+=('com.apple.AOSPushRelay') # Related to iCloud https://github.com/fix-macosx/yosemite-phone-home/blob/master/icloud-user-r0/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AOSKit.framework/Versions/A/Helpers/AOSPushRelay.app/Contents/MacOS/AOSPushRelay/20141019T072634Z-auser-%5B172.16.174.146%5D:49560-%5B17.110.240.83%5D:443.log +#AGENTS+=('com.apple.IMLoggingAgent') #IMFoundation.framework - Not sure about this one, maybe used to log in to computer on start +AGENTS+=('com.apple.geodMachServiceBridge') #Located in GeoServices.framework, related to locations maybe used for maps, maybe as well for things like find my mac, or just syping +#AGENTS+=('com.apple.syncdefaultsd') ##Propably related to syncing keychain +#AGENTS+=('com.apple.security.cloudkeychainproxy3') #Propably related to syncing keychain to icloud +#AGENTS+=('com.apple.security.idskeychainsyncingproxy') #Most likely also related to keychain - IDSKeychainSyncingProxy.bundle +#AGENTS+=('com.apple.security.keychain-circle-notification') #Related to keychain +#AGENTS+=('com.apple.sharingd') #Airdrop, Remote Disks, Shared Directories, Handoff +AGENTS+=('com.apple.appleseed.seedusaged') #Feedback assistant +AGENTS+=('com.apple.cloudd') #Related to sync data to iCloud, most likely used by iMessage,Mail,iCloud drive, etc... +#AGENTS+=('com.apple.assistant') #Keychain +AGENTS+=('com.apple.parentalcontrols.check') #Related to parental control +AGENTS+=('com.apple.parsecd') #Used by spotlight and/or siri, propably some suggestions - CoreParsec.framework +#AGENTS+=('com.apple.identityservicesd') #Used to auth some apps, as well used by iCloud +AGENTS+=('com.apple.bird') #Part of iCloud +AGENTS+=('com.apple.rtcreportingd') #Related to Home Sharing, most likely it checks if device is auth for home sharing + Facetime +AGENTS+=('com.apple.SafariCloudHistoryPushAgent') #Good one, sending out your browsing history... :) +AGENTS+=('com.apple.safaridavclient') #Sending bookmarks to iCloud, even if you disable it may send your bookmarks to Apple +AGENTS+=('com.apple.SafariNotificationAgent') #Notifications in Safari + + +help_msg(){ + echo "" + echo "macOS home call dropper by karek314" + echo "version 1.0" + echo "" + echo "Available commands" + echo "fixmacos - fix your macOS to stop/limit invade your privacy" + echo "restore - restore to default settings" + echo "help - help message" +} + + +fix_spotlight(){ + #Global System Preferences + TMP=$(plutil -convert xml1 -o - ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.Spotlight.plist) + TMP=$(tr -d '\040\011\012\015' <<< $TMP) + TMP=$(awk -F "<key>orderedItems</key><array>|</array>" '{print $2}' <<< $TMP) + #echo "Current Settings" + #echo $TMP + TMP=$(sed 's|<dict><key>enabled</key><true/><key>name</key><string>MENU_SPOTLIGHT_SUGGESTIONS</string></dict>|<dict><key>enabled</key><false/><key>name</key><string>MENU_SPOTLIGHT_SUGGESTIONS</string></dict>|g' <<< $TMP) + TMP=$(sed 's|<dict><key>enabled</key><true/><key>name</key><string>MENU_DEFINITION</string></dict>|<dict><key>enabled</key><false/><key>name</key><string>MENU_DEFINITION</string></dict>|g' <<< $TMP) + TMP=$(sed 's|<dict><key>enabled</key><true/><key>name</key><string>MENU_CONVERSION</string></dict>|<dict><key>enabled</key><false/><key>name</key><string>MENU_CONVERSION</string></dict>|g' <<< $TMP) + #echo "New Settings" + #echo $TMP + defaults delete com.apple.Spotlight.plist orderedItems + defaults write com.apple.Spotlight.plist orderedItems "<array>$TMP</array>" + + # Safari Preferences + defaults write com.apple.Safari.plist UniversalSearchEnabled -bool NO + defaults write com.apple.Safari.plist SuppressSearchSuggestions -bool YES + defaults write com.apple.Safari.plist WebsiteSpecificSearchEnabled -bool NO +} + + +start(){ + echo "" + fix_spotlight + echo "System Spotlight & Suggestions Fixed" + echo "" + for agent in "${AGENTS[@]}" + do + sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/${agent}.plist + launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/${agent}.plist + echo "Agent ${agent} disabled" + done + echo "" + echo "Specified agents has been disabled" + echo "" + for daemon in "${DAEMONS[@]}" + do + sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/${daemon}.plist + launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/${daemon}.plist + echo "Daemon ${daemon} disabled" + done + echo "" + echo "Specified daemons has been disabled" + echo "" + echo "Spotlight and safari suggestions has been fixed and your keystorokes are no longer sent out to apple!" + echo "" + echo "!!!RESTART YOUR COMPUTER NOW TO APPLY CHANGES!!!" + echo "" +} + + +restore(){ + for agent in "${AGENTS[@]}" + do + sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/${agent}.plist + launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/${agent}.plist + echo "Agent ${agent} enabled" + done + echo "" + echo "Specified agents has been enabled" + echo "" + for daemon in "${DAEMONS[@]}" + do + sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/${daemon}.plist + launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/${daemon}.plist + echo "Daemon ${daemon} enabled" + done + echo "" + echo "Specified daemons has been enabled" + echo "" + echo "RESTART YOUR COMPUTER NOW TO APPLY CHANGES" + echo "" +} + + +case $1 in +"fixmacos") + start + ;; +"help") + help_msg + ;; +"restore") + restore + ;; +*) + help_msg + ;; +esac diff --git a/macos/homecall2.sh b/macos/homecall2.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000..2647f16 --- /dev/null +++ b/macos/homecall2.sh @@ -0,0 +1,174 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +DAEMONS=() +DAEMONS+=('com.apple.netbiosd') #Netbiosd is microsoft's networking service. used to share files between mac and windows +#DAEMONS+=('com.apple.preferences.timezone.admintool') #Time setting daemon +#DAEMONS+=('com.apple.preferences.timezone.auto') #Time setting daemon +#DAEMONS+=('com.apple.remotepairtool') #Pairing devices remotely +#DAEMONS+=('com.apple.rpmuxd') #daemon for remote debugging of mobile devices. +#DAEMONS+=('com.apple.security.FDERecoveryAgent') #Full Disk Ecnryption - Related to File Vault https://developer.apple.com/legacy/library/documentation/Darwin/Reference/ManPages/man8/FDERecoveryAgent.8.html +DAEMONS+=('com.apple.icloud.findmydeviced') #Related to find my mac +DAEMONS+=('com.apple.findmymacmessenger') #Related to find my mac daemon, propably act on commands sent through FindMyDevice in iCloud +DAEMONS+=('com.apple.familycontrols') #Parent control +DAEMONS+=('com.apple.findmymac') #Find my mac daemon +#DAEMONS+=('com.apple.AirPlayXPCHelper') #Airplay daemon +DAEMONS+=('com.apple.SubmitDiagInfo') #Feedback - most likely it submits your computer data when click 'About this mac' +DAEMONS+=('com.apple.screensharing') #Screensharing daemon +DAEMONS+=('com.apple.appleseed.fbahelperd') #Related to feedback +DAEMONS+=('com.apple.apsd') #Apple Push Notification Service (apsd) - it's calling home quite often + used by Facetime and Messages +DAEMONS+=('com.apple.AOSNotificationOSX') #Notifications +#DAEMONS+=('com.apple.FileSyncAgent.sshd') #Mostlikely sshd on this machine +DAEMONS+=('com.apple.ManagedClient.cloudconfigurationd') #Related to manage current macOS user iCloud +#DAEMONS+=('com.apple.ManagedClient.enroll') #Related to manage current macOS user +#DAEMONS+=('com.apple.ManagedClient') #Related to manage current macOS user +#DAEMONS+=('com.apple.ManagedClient.startup') #Related to manage current macOS user +DAEMONS+=('com.apple.iCloudStats') #Related to iCloud +DAEMONS+=('com.apple.locationd') #Propably reading current location +DAEMONS+=('com.apple.mbicloudsetupd') #iCloud Settings +#DAEMONS+=('com.apple.laterscheduler') #Schedule something? +DAEMONS+=('com.apple.awacsd') #Apple Wide Area Connectivity Service daemon - Back to My Mac Feature +#DAEMONS+=('com.apple.eapolcfg_auth') #perform privileged operations required by certain EAPOLClientConfiguration.h APIs +DAEMONS+=('com.apple.awdd') #Sending out diagnostics & usage +DAEMONS+=('com.apple.CrashReporterSupportHelper') #Crash reporter +#DAEMONS+=('com.apple.trustd') #Propably related to certificates + +AGENTS=() +AGENTS+=('com.apple.photoanalysisd') #Apple AI to analyse photos stored in Photos.app, most likely to match faces and scenery but it happens to make requests to Apple during process, i have not checked what are those requestes i have just blocked it with Little Snitch +#AGENTS+=('com.apple.telephonyutilities.callservicesd') #Handling phone and facetime calls +#AGENTS+=('com.apple.AirPlayUIAgent') #Related Airport +#AGENTS+=('com.apple.AirPortBaseStationAgent') #Related Airport +#AGENTS+=('com.apple.CalendarAgent') #Calendar events related to iCloud +AGENTS+=('com.apple.iCloudUserNotifications') #iCloud notifications, like reminders +#AGENTS+=('com.apple.familycircled') #Family notifications, like reminders +#AGENTS+=('com.apple.familycontrols.useragent') #Family notifications, like reminders +#AGENTS+=('com.apple.familynotificationd') #Family notifications, like reminders +#AGENTS+=('com.apple.gamed') #GameCenter +AGENTS+=('com.apple.icloud.findmydeviced.findmydevice-user-agent') #Find my device ? +AGENTS+=('com.apple.icloud.fmfd') #Find my device ? +#AGENTS+=('com.apple.imagent') #Facetime & Messages +AGENTS+=('com.apple.cloudfamilyrestrictionsd-mac') #iCloud Family restrictions +AGENTS+=('com.apple.cloudpaird') #Related to iCloud +AGENTS+=('com.apple.cloudphotosd') #Propably syncing your photos to icloud +AGENTS+=('com.apple.DictationIM') #Dictation +AGENTS+=('com.apple.assistant_service') #Siri +AGENTS+=('com.apple.CallHistorySyncHelper') #Related to call history syncing (iCloud) +AGENTS+=('com.apple.CallHistoryPluginHelper') #Related to call history (iCloud) +AGENTS+=('com.apple.AOSPushRelay') # Related to iCloud https://github.com/fix-macosx/yosemite-phone-home/blob/master/icloud-user-r0/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AOSKit.framework/Versions/A/Helpers/AOSPushRelay.app/Contents/MacOS/AOSPushRelay/20141019T072634Z-auser-%5B172.16.174.146%5D:49560-%5B17.110.240.83%5D:443.log +#AGENTS+=('com.apple.IMLoggingAgent') #IMFoundation.framework - Not sure about this one, maybe used to log in to computer on start +AGENTS+=('com.apple.geodMachServiceBridge') #Located in GeoServices.framework, related to locations maybe used for maps, maybe as well for things like find my mac, or just syping +#AGENTS+=('com.apple.syncdefaultsd') ##Propably related to syncing keychain +#AGENTS+=('com.apple.security.cloudkeychainproxy3') #Propably related to syncing keychain to icloud +#AGENTS+=('com.apple.security.idskeychainsyncingproxy') #Most likely also related to keychain - IDSKeychainSyncingProxy.bundle +#AGENTS+=('com.apple.security.keychain-circle-notification') #Related to keychain +#AGENTS+=('com.apple.sharingd') #Airdrop, Remote Disks, Shared Directories, Handoff +AGENTS+=('com.apple.appleseed.seedusaged') #Feedback assistant +AGENTS+=('com.apple.cloudd') #Related to sync data to iCloud, most likely used by iMessage,Mail,iCloud drive, etc... +#AGENTS+=('com.apple.assistant') #Keychain +AGENTS+=('com.apple.parentalcontrols.check') #Related to parental control +AGENTS+=('com.apple.parsecd') #Used by spotlight and/or siri, propably some suggestions - CoreParsec.framework +#AGENTS+=('com.apple.identityservicesd') #Used to auth some apps, as well used by iCloud +AGENTS+=('com.apple.bird') #Part of iCloud +AGENTS+=('com.apple.rtcreportingd') #Related to Home Sharing, most likely it checks if device is auth for home sharing + Facetime +AGENTS+=('com.apple.SafariCloudHistoryPushAgent') #Good one, sending out your browsing history... :) +AGENTS+=('com.apple.safaridavclient') #Sending bookmarks to iCloud, even if you disable it may send your bookmarks to Apple +AGENTS+=('com.apple.SafariNotificationAgent') #Notifications in Safari + + +help_msg(){ + echo "" + echo "macOS home call dropper by karek314" + echo "version 1.0" + echo "" + echo "Available commands" + echo "fixmacos - fix your macOS to stop/limit invade your privacy" + echo "restore - restore to default settings" + echo "help - help message" +} + + +fix_spotlight(){ + #Global System Preferences + TMP=$(plutil -convert xml1 -o - ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.Spotlight.plist) + TMP=$(tr -d '\040\011\012\015' <<< $TMP) + TMP=$(awk -F "<key>orderedItems</key><array>|</array>" '{print $2}' <<< $TMP) + #echo "Current Settings" + #echo $TMP + TMP=$(sed 's|<dict><key>enabled</key><true/><key>name</key><string>MENU_SPOTLIGHT_SUGGESTIONS</string></dict>|<dict><key>enabled</key><false/><key>name</key><string>MENU_SPOTLIGHT_SUGGESTIONS</string></dict>|g' <<< $TMP) + TMP=$(sed 's|<dict><key>enabled</key><true/><key>name</key><string>MENU_DEFINITION</string></dict>|<dict><key>enabled</key><false/><key>name</key><string>MENU_DEFINITION</string></dict>|g' <<< $TMP) + TMP=$(sed 's|<dict><key>enabled</key><true/><key>name</key><string>MENU_CONVERSION</string></dict>|<dict><key>enabled</key><false/><key>name</key><string>MENU_CONVERSION</string></dict>|g' <<< $TMP) + #echo "New Settings" + #echo $TMP + defaults delete com.apple.Spotlight.plist orderedItems + defaults write com.apple.Spotlight.plist orderedItems "<array>$TMP</array>" + + # Safari Preferences + defaults write com.apple.Safari.plist UniversalSearchEnabled -bool NO + defaults write com.apple.Safari.plist SuppressSearchSuggestions -bool YES + defaults write com.apple.Safari.plist WebsiteSpecificSearchEnabled -bool NO +} + + +start(){ + echo "" + fix_spotlight + echo "System Spotlight & Suggestions Fixed" + echo "" + for agent in "${AGENTS[@]}" + do + launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/${agent}.plist + echo "Agent ${agent} disabled" + done + echo "" + echo "Specified agents has been disabled" + echo "" + for daemon in "${DAEMONS[@]}" + do + launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/${daemon}.plist + echo "Daemon ${daemon} disabled" + done + echo "" + echo "Specified daemons has been disabled" + echo "" + echo "Spotlight and safari suggestions has been fixed and your keystorokes are no longer sent out to apple!" + echo "" + echo "!!!RESTART YOUR COMPUTER NOW TO APPLY CHANGES!!!" + echo "" +} + + +restore(){ + for agent in "${AGENTS[@]}" + do + launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/${agent}.plist + echo "Agent ${agent} enabled" + done + echo "" + echo "Specified agents has been enabled" + echo "" + for daemon in "${DAEMONS[@]}" + do + launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/${daemon}.plist + echo "Daemon ${daemon} enabled" + done + echo "" + echo "Specified daemons has been enabled" + echo "" + echo "RESTART YOUR COMPUTER NOW TO APPLY CHANGES" + echo "" +} + + +case $1 in +"fixmacos") + start + ;; +"help") + help_msg + ;; +"restore") + restore + ;; +*) + help_msg + ;; +esac diff --git a/macos/notes.txt b/macos/notes.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1743a4d --- /dev/null +++ b/macos/notes.txt @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +- mac os is a fully fledged spying machine, it home calls A LOT, it is bad... + |