#!/bin/bash DAEMONS=() DAEMONS+=('com.apple.netbiosd') #Netbiosd is microsoft's networking service. used to share files between mac and windows #DAEMONS+=('com.apple.preferences.timezone.admintool') #Time setting daemon #DAEMONS+=('com.apple.preferences.timezone.auto') #Time setting daemon #DAEMONS+=('com.apple.remotepairtool') #Pairing devices remotely #DAEMONS+=('com.apple.rpmuxd') #daemon for remote debugging of mobile devices. #DAEMONS+=('com.apple.security.FDERecoveryAgent') #Full Disk Ecnryption - Related to File Vault https://developer.apple.com/legacy/library/documentation/Darwin/Reference/ManPages/man8/FDERecoveryAgent.8.html DAEMONS+=('com.apple.icloud.findmydeviced') #Related to find my mac DAEMONS+=('com.apple.findmymacmessenger') #Related to find my mac daemon, propably act on commands sent through FindMyDevice in iCloud DAEMONS+=('com.apple.familycontrols') #Parent control DAEMONS+=('com.apple.findmymac') #Find my mac daemon #DAEMONS+=('com.apple.AirPlayXPCHelper') #Airplay daemon DAEMONS+=('com.apple.SubmitDiagInfo') #Feedback - most likely it submits your computer data when click 'About this mac' DAEMONS+=('com.apple.screensharing') #Screensharing daemon DAEMONS+=('com.apple.appleseed.fbahelperd') #Related to feedback DAEMONS+=('com.apple.apsd') #Apple Push Notification Service (apsd) - it's calling home quite often + used by Facetime and Messages DAEMONS+=('com.apple.AOSNotificationOSX') #Notifications #DAEMONS+=('com.apple.FileSyncAgent.sshd') #Mostlikely sshd on this machine DAEMONS+=('com.apple.ManagedClient.cloudconfigurationd') #Related to manage current macOS user iCloud #DAEMONS+=('com.apple.ManagedClient.enroll') #Related to manage current macOS user #DAEMONS+=('com.apple.ManagedClient') #Related to manage current macOS user #DAEMONS+=('com.apple.ManagedClient.startup') #Related to manage current macOS user DAEMONS+=('com.apple.iCloudStats') #Related to iCloud DAEMONS+=('com.apple.locationd') #Propably reading current location DAEMONS+=('com.apple.mbicloudsetupd') #iCloud Settings #DAEMONS+=('com.apple.laterscheduler') #Schedule something? DAEMONS+=('com.apple.awacsd') #Apple Wide Area Connectivity Service daemon - Back to My Mac Feature #DAEMONS+=('com.apple.eapolcfg_auth') #perform privileged operations required by certain EAPOLClientConfiguration.h APIs DAEMONS+=('com.apple.awdd') #Sending out diagnostics & usage DAEMONS+=('com.apple.CrashReporterSupportHelper') #Crash reporter #DAEMONS+=('com.apple.trustd') #Propably related to certificates AGENTS=() AGENTS+=('com.apple.photoanalysisd') #Apple AI to analyse photos stored in Photos.app, most likely to match faces and scenery but it happens to make requests to Apple during process, i have not checked what are those requestes i have just blocked it with Little Snitch #AGENTS+=('com.apple.telephonyutilities.callservicesd') #Handling phone and facetime calls #AGENTS+=('com.apple.AirPlayUIAgent') #Related Airport #AGENTS+=('com.apple.AirPortBaseStationAgent') #Related Airport #AGENTS+=('com.apple.CalendarAgent') #Calendar events related to iCloud AGENTS+=('com.apple.iCloudUserNotifications') #iCloud notifications, like reminders #AGENTS+=('com.apple.familycircled') #Family notifications, like reminders #AGENTS+=('com.apple.familycontrols.useragent') #Family notifications, like reminders #AGENTS+=('com.apple.familynotificationd') #Family notifications, like reminders #AGENTS+=('com.apple.gamed') #GameCenter AGENTS+=('com.apple.icloud.findmydeviced.findmydevice-user-agent') #Find my device ? AGENTS+=('com.apple.icloud.fmfd') #Find my device ? #AGENTS+=('com.apple.imagent') #Facetime & Messages AGENTS+=('com.apple.cloudfamilyrestrictionsd-mac') #iCloud Family restrictions AGENTS+=('com.apple.cloudpaird') #Related to iCloud AGENTS+=('com.apple.cloudphotosd') #Propably syncing your photos to icloud AGENTS+=('com.apple.DictationIM') #Dictation AGENTS+=('com.apple.assistant_service') #Siri AGENTS+=('com.apple.CallHistorySyncHelper') #Related to call history syncing (iCloud) AGENTS+=('com.apple.CallHistoryPluginHelper') #Related to call history (iCloud) AGENTS+=('com.apple.AOSPushRelay') # Related to iCloud https://github.com/fix-macosx/yosemite-phone-home/blob/master/icloud-user-r0/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AOSKit.framework/Versions/A/Helpers/AOSPushRelay.app/Contents/MacOS/AOSPushRelay/20141019T072634Z-auser-%5B172.16.174.146%5D:49560-%5B17.110.240.83%5D:443.log #AGENTS+=('com.apple.IMLoggingAgent') #IMFoundation.framework - Not sure about this one, maybe used to log in to computer on start AGENTS+=('com.apple.geodMachServiceBridge') #Located in GeoServices.framework, related to locations maybe used for maps, maybe as well for things like find my mac, or just syping #AGENTS+=('com.apple.syncdefaultsd') ##Propably related to syncing keychain #AGENTS+=('com.apple.security.cloudkeychainproxy3') #Propably related to syncing keychain to icloud #AGENTS+=('com.apple.security.idskeychainsyncingproxy') #Most likely also related to keychain - IDSKeychainSyncingProxy.bundle #AGENTS+=('com.apple.security.keychain-circle-notification') #Related to keychain #AGENTS+=('com.apple.sharingd') #Airdrop, Remote Disks, Shared Directories, Handoff AGENTS+=('com.apple.appleseed.seedusaged') #Feedback assistant AGENTS+=('com.apple.cloudd') #Related to sync data to iCloud, most likely used by iMessage,Mail,iCloud drive, etc... #AGENTS+=('com.apple.assistant') #Keychain AGENTS+=('com.apple.parentalcontrols.check') #Related to parental control AGENTS+=('com.apple.parsecd') #Used by spotlight and/or siri, propably some suggestions - CoreParsec.framework #AGENTS+=('com.apple.identityservicesd') #Used to auth some apps, as well used by iCloud AGENTS+=('com.apple.bird') #Part of iCloud AGENTS+=('com.apple.rtcreportingd') #Related to Home Sharing, most likely it checks if device is auth for home sharing + Facetime AGENTS+=('com.apple.SafariCloudHistoryPushAgent') #Good one, sending out your browsing history... :) AGENTS+=('com.apple.safaridavclient') #Sending bookmarks to iCloud, even if you disable it may send your bookmarks to Apple AGENTS+=('com.apple.SafariNotificationAgent') #Notifications in Safari help_msg(){ echo "" echo "macOS home call dropper by karek314" echo "version 1.0" echo "" echo "Available commands" echo "fixmacos - fix your macOS to stop/limit invade your privacy" echo "restore - restore to default settings" echo "help - help message" } fix_spotlight(){ #Global System Preferences TMP=$(plutil -convert xml1 -o - ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.Spotlight.plist) TMP=$(tr -d '\040\011\012\015' <<< $TMP) TMP=$(awk -F "orderedItems|" '{print $2}' <<< $TMP) #echo "Current Settings" #echo $TMP TMP=$(sed 's|enablednameMENU_SPOTLIGHT_SUGGESTIONS|enablednameMENU_SPOTLIGHT_SUGGESTIONS|g' <<< $TMP) TMP=$(sed 's|enablednameMENU_DEFINITION|enablednameMENU_DEFINITION|g' <<< $TMP) TMP=$(sed 's|enablednameMENU_CONVERSION|enablednameMENU_CONVERSION|g' <<< $TMP) #echo "New Settings" #echo $TMP defaults delete com.apple.Spotlight.plist orderedItems defaults write com.apple.Spotlight.plist orderedItems "$TMP" # Safari Preferences defaults write com.apple.Safari.plist UniversalSearchEnabled -bool NO defaults write com.apple.Safari.plist SuppressSearchSuggestions -bool YES defaults write com.apple.Safari.plist WebsiteSpecificSearchEnabled -bool NO } start(){ echo "" fix_spotlight echo "System Spotlight & Suggestions Fixed" echo "" for agent in "${AGENTS[@]}" do sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/${agent}.plist launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/${agent}.plist echo "Agent ${agent} disabled" done echo "" echo "Specified agents has been disabled" echo "" for daemon in "${DAEMONS[@]}" do sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/${daemon}.plist launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/${daemon}.plist echo "Daemon ${daemon} disabled" done echo "" echo "Specified daemons has been disabled" echo "" echo "Spotlight and safari suggestions has been fixed and your keystorokes are no longer sent out to apple!" echo "" echo "!!!RESTART YOUR COMPUTER NOW TO APPLY CHANGES!!!" echo "" } restore(){ for agent in "${AGENTS[@]}" do sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/${agent}.plist launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/${agent}.plist echo "Agent ${agent} enabled" done echo "" echo "Specified agents has been enabled" echo "" for daemon in "${DAEMONS[@]}" do sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/${daemon}.plist launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/${daemon}.plist echo "Daemon ${daemon} enabled" done echo "" echo "Specified daemons has been enabled" echo "" echo "RESTART YOUR COMPUTER NOW TO APPLY CHANGES" echo "" } case $1 in "fixmacos") start ;; "help") help_msg ;; "restore") restore ;; *) help_msg ;; esac