diff options
10 files changed, 411 insertions, 389 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f372bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+- files/ needs to be writable by server or php
diff --git a/ToDo.txt b/ToDo.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aacede6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ToDo.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+- bootstrap3 theme:
+- ckeditor plugin:
+- implement ability to create wordpress like categories and tags
+- add ability to upload images--include php/jquery file uploader
+- add ability to create custom page titles
+- add ability to a page to use misc js libs via toggable flags, e.g. to create a slideshow page
+- add ability to create menuless pages
+- leverage popular html5 boilerplate heuristics
+- leverage underscore.js, backbone.js, bpg and svg file formats, vegas.js
+- conver codebase into oo php5 code
diff --git a/edittext.php b/edittext.php
index 961cea4..6fbe00e 100644
--- a/edittext.php
+++ b/edittext.php
@@ -1,21 +1,22 @@
-$fieldname = $_REQUEST['fieldname'];
-$encrypt_pass = @file_get_contents('files/password');
-if ($_SESSION['l'] != $encrypt_pass) {
- header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized');
- exit;
-$content = trim(rtrim(stripslashes($_REQUEST['content'])));
-$file = @fopen("files/$fieldname", "w");
-if (!$file) {
- echo "Editing failed. Set correct permissions (755) to the 'files' folder.";
- exit;
-fwrite($file, $content);
-echo $content;
+$fieldname = $_REQUEST['fieldname'];
+$encrypt_pass = @file_get_contents('files/password');
+if ($_SESSION['l'] != $encrypt_pass) {
+ header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized');
+ exit;
+$content = trim(rtrim(stripslashes($_REQUEST['content'])));
+$file = @fopen("files/$fieldname", "w");
+if (!$file) {
+ echo "Editing failed. Set correct permissions (755) to the 'files' folder.";
+ exit;
+fwrite($file, $content);
+echo $content;
diff --git a/files/password b/files/password
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c8026e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/password
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/index.php b/index.php
index 3ee6317..5ef4c92 100644
--- a/index.php
+++ b/index.php
@@ -1,94 +1,99 @@
- * FracturedCMS, fork of WonderCMS
- *
- * - $c[] is the main config array
- * - master foreach loop this array and use its key name to load a file at files/<key>
- * - $d[] array is used to save a copy of default values from $c[]
- * - files/menu file is used nav list, each entry in there should match to that of slug
- * - when ?login is called, the 'case 'loggedin':' calls login_form() and prints out a form
- * - .htaccess rewrites urls in such way that /foo will get called as ?page=foo with exepction of ?login and ?logout
- *
- */
-require 'lib/fraktured.php';
-$rp = isset($_REQUEST['page']) ? $_REQUEST['page'] : ''; /* request page e.g. ?page=hello */
-$hostname = '//' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . str_replace($rp, '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); /* strchr($hostname, '?', TRUE) might be needed in other parts of code that generate links */
-$c['password'] = 'admin';
-$c['loggedin'] = false;
-$c['page'] = 'home';
-$d['page']['home'] = "<h3>Congratulations! Your website is now powered by FracturedCMS.</h3><br />\nLogin to the admin panel with the 'Login' link in the footer. The password is admin.<br />\nChange the password as soon as possible.<br /><br />\n\nClick on the content to edit and click outside to save it.";
-$d['page']['example'] = "This is an example page.<br /><br />\n\nTo add a new one, click on the existing pages (in the admin panel) and enter a new one below the others.";
-$d['new_page']['admin'] = "Page <b>" . str_replace('-', ' ', $rp) . "</b> created.<br /><br />\n\nClick here to start editing!";
-$d['new_page']['visitor'] = "Sorry, but <b>" . str_replace('-', ' ', $rp) . "</b> doesn't exist. :(";
-$d['default']['content'] = "Click to edit!";
-$c['theme_name'] = "blue";
-$c['menu'] = "Home<br />\nExample";
-$c['title'] = 'Website title';
-$c['subside'] = "<h3>ABOUT YOUR WEBSITE</h3><br />\nYour photo, website description, contact information, mini map or anything else.<br /><br />\n\n This content is static and is visible on all pages.";
-$c['description'] = 'Your website description.';
-$c['keywords'] = 'enter, your website, keywords';
-$c['copyright'] = '&copy;' . date('Y') . ' Foobar';
-$sig = "Powered by FracturedCMS";
-$hook['admin-richText'] = "rte.php";
-foreach ($c as $key => $val) {
- if ($key == 'content')
- continue;
- $fval = @file_get_contents('files/' . $key); /* for each key attempt to load associated file */
- $d['default'][$key] = $c[$key]; /* save a copy of default values */
- if ($fval)
- $c[$key] = $fval; /* if file exists at files/*, use that instead of predefined default above */
- switch ($key) {
- case 'password':
- if (!$fval)
- $c[$key] = save_password($val); /* will save md5'ed 'admin' files/password, will happen initially */
- break;
- case 'loggedin':
- if (isset($_SESSION['l']) and $_SESSION['l'] == $c['password'])
- $c[$key] = true;
- if (isset($_REQUEST['logout'])) {
- session_destroy();
- header('Location: ./');
- exit;
- }
- if (isset($_REQUEST['login'])) {
- if (is_loggedin())
- header('Location: ./');
- login_form();
- }
- $lstatus = (is_loggedin()) ? "<a href='" . strchr($hostname, '?', TRUE) . "?logout'>Logout</a>" : "<a href='" . strchr($hostname, '?', TRUE) . "?login'>Login</a>";
- break;
- case 'page':
- if ($rp) /* if there's a request page e.g. ?page=hello */
- $c[$key] = $rp;
- $c[$key] = get_slug($c[$key]);
- if (isset($_REQUEST['login']))
- continue;
- $c['content'] = @file_get_contents("files/" . $c[$key]);
- if (!$c['content']) {
- if (!isset($d['page'][$c[$key]])) {
- header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');
- $c['content'] = (is_loggedin()) ? $d['new_page']['admin'] : $c['content'] = $d['new_page']['visitor'];
- } else {
- $c['content'] = $d['page'][$c[$key]];
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
-require("themes/" . $c['theme_name'] . "/theme.php");
+ * FracturedCMS, fork of WonderCMS
+ *
+ * - $c[] is the main config array
+ * - master foreach loop this array and use its key name to load a file at files/<key>
+ * - $d[] array is used to save a copy of default values from $c[]
+ * - files/menu file is used nav list, each entry in there should match to that of slug
+ * - when ?login is called, the 'case 'loggedin':' calls login_form() and prints out a form
+ * - .htaccess rewrites urls in such way that /foo will get called as ?page=foo with exepction of ?login and ?logout
+ * - appending markup to $hook[] cause it to be included in <head> section
+ * - to load plugins the code includes plugins/%dir/index.php files
+ * - new pages can be added by logging in, going to Settings, and adding new entry for Navigation
+ * - $rp variable aka router stands for page request and its slug is that of a fname, when set, it will be used to load content of a page from disk
+ *
+ */
+require 'lib/fraktured.php';
+$rp = isset($_REQUEST['page']) ? $_REQUEST['page'] : ''; /* request page e.g. ?page=hello */
+$hostname = '//' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . str_replace($rp, '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); /* strchr($hostname, '?', TRUE) might be needed in other parts of code that generate links */
+$c['password'] = 'admin';
+$c['loggedin'] = false;
+$c['page'] = 'home';
+$d['page']['home'] = "<h3>Congratulations! Your website is now powered by FracturedCMS.</h3><br />\nLogin to the admin panel with the 'Login' link in the footer. The password is admin.<br />\nChange the password as soon as possible.<br /><br />\n\nClick on the content to edit and click outside to save it.";
+$d['page']['example'] = "This is an example page.<br /><br />\n\nTo add a new one, click on the existing pages (in the admin panel) and enter a new one below the others.";
+$d['new_page']['admin'] = "Page <b>" . str_replace('-', ' ', $rp) . "</b> created.<br /><br />\n\nClick here to start editing!";
+$d['new_page']['visitor'] = "Sorry, but <b>" . str_replace('-', ' ', $rp) . "</b> doesn't exist. :(";
+$d['default']['content'] = "Click to edit!";
+$c['theme_name'] = "blue";
+$c['menu'] = "Home<br />\nExample";
+$c['title'] = 'Website title';
+$c['subside'] = "<h3>ABOUT YOUR WEBSITE</h3><br />\nYour photo, website description, contact information, mini map or anything else.<br /><br />\n\n This content is static and is visible on all pages.";
+$c['description'] = 'Your website description.';
+$c['keywords'] = 'enter, your website, keywords';
+$c['copyright'] = '&copy;' . date('Y') . ' Foobar';
+$sig = "Powered by FracturedCMS";
+$hook['admin-richText'] = "rte.php";
+foreach ($c as $key => $val) {
+ if ($key == 'content')
+ continue;
+ $fval = @file_get_contents('files/' . $key); /* for each key attempt to load associated file */
+ $d['default'][$key] = $c[$key]; /* save a copy of default values */
+ if ($fval)
+ $c[$key] = $fval; /* if file exists at files/*, use that instead of predefined default above */
+ switch ($key) {
+ case 'password':
+ if (!$fval)
+ $c[$key] = save_password($val); /* will save md5'ed 'admin' files/password, will happen initially */
+ break;
+ case 'loggedin':
+ if (isset($_SESSION['l']) and $_SESSION['l'] == $c['password'])
+ $c[$key] = true;
+ if (isset($_REQUEST['logout'])) {
+ session_destroy();
+ header('Location: ./');
+ exit;
+ }
+ if (isset($_REQUEST['login'])) {
+ if (is_loggedin())
+ header('Location: ./');
+ login_form();
+ }
+ $lstatus = (is_loggedin()) ? "<a href='" . strchr($hostname, '?', TRUE) . "?logout'>Logout</a>" : "<a href='" . strchr($hostname, '?', TRUE) . "?login'>Login</a>";
+ break;
+ case 'page':
+ if ($rp) /* if there's a request page e.g. ?page=hello */
+ $c[$key] = $rp;
+ $c[$key] = get_slug($c[$key]);
+ if (isset($_REQUEST['login']))
+ continue;
+ $c['content'] = @file_get_contents("files/" . $c[$key]);
+ if (!$c['content']) {
+ if (!isset($d['page'][$c[$key]])) {
+ header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');
+ $c['content'] = (is_loggedin()) ? $d['new_page']['admin'] : $c['content'] = $d['new_page']['visitor'];
+ } else {
+ $c['content'] = $d['page'][$c[$key]];
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+require("themes/" . $c['theme_name'] . "/theme.php");
diff --git a/js/editinplace.php b/js/editinplace.php
index 612617a..0765d50 100644
--- a/js/editinplace.php
+++ b/js/editinplace.php
@@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
-Autosize v1.18.1 - 2013-11-05
-Automatically adjust textarea height based on user input.
-(c) 2013 Jack Moore -
-(function(e){var t,o={className:"autosizejs",append:"",callback:!1,resizeDelay:10},i='<textarea tabindex="-1" style="position:absolute; top:-999px; left:0; right:auto; bottom:auto; border:0; padding: 0; -moz-box-sizing:content-box; -webkit-box-sizing:content-box; box-sizing:content-box; word-wrap:break-word; height:0 !important; min-height:0 !important; overflow:hidden; transition:none; -webkit-transition:none; -moz-transition:none;"/>',n=["fontFamily","fontSize","fontWeight","fontStyle","letterSpacing","textTransform","wordSpacing","textIndent"],s=e(i).data("autosize",!0)[0];"99px","99px"===e(s).css("lineHeight")&&n.push("lineHeight"),"",e.fn.autosize=function(i){return this.length?(i=e.extend({},o,i||{}),s.parentNode!==document.body&&e(document.body).append(s),this.each(function(){function o(){var t,o;"getComputedStyle"in window?(t=window.getComputedStyle(u,null),o=u.getBoundingClientRect().width,e.each(["paddingLeft","paddingRight","borderLeftWidth","borderRightWidth"],function(e,i){o-=parseInt(t[i],10)}),"px"),0)+"px"}function a(){var a={};if(t=u,s.className=i.className,d=parseInt(p.css("maxHeight"),10),e.each(n,function(e,t){a[t]=p.css(t)}),e(s).css(a),o(),{var;"0px",u.offsetWidth,}}function r(){var e,n;t!==u?a():o(),s.value=u.value+i.append,,n=parseInt(,10),s.scrollTop=0,s.scrollTop=9e4,e=s.scrollTop,d&&e>d?("scroll",e=d):("hidden",c>e&&(e=c)),e+=w,n!==e&&("px",f&&,u))}function l(){clearTimeout(h),h=setTimeout(function(){var e=p.width();e!==g&&(g=e,r())},parseInt(i.resizeDelay,10))}var d,c,h,u=this,p=e(u),w=0,f=e.isFunction(i.callback),z={,,,,},g=p.width();"autosize")||("autosize",!0),("border-box"===p.css("box-sizing")||"border-box"===p.css("-moz-box-sizing")||"border-box"===p.css("-webkit-box-sizing"))&&(w=p.outerHeight()-p.height()),c=Math.max(parseInt(p.css("minHeight"),10)-w||0,p.height()),p.css({overflow:"hidden",overflowY:"hidden",wordWrap:"break-word",resize:"none"===p.css("resize")||"vertical"===p.css("resize")?"none":"horizontal"}),"onpropertychange"in u?"oninput"in u?p.on("input.autosize keyup.autosize",r):p.on("propertychange.autosize",function(){"value"===event.propertyName&&r()}):p.on("input.autosize",r),i.resizeDelay!==!1&&e(window).on("resize.autosize",l),p.on("autosize.resize",r),p.on("autosize.resizeIncludeStyle",function(){t=null,r()}),p.on("autosize.destroy",function(){t=null,clearTimeout(h),e(window).off("resize",l),"autosize").off(".autosize").css(z).removeData("autosize")}),r())})):this}})(window.$||window.$);
-var changing = false;
- $('span.editText').click(function(){
- if(changing)return;
- a = $(this);
- title=(a.attr('title'))?title="\""+a.attr('title')+"\" ":"";
- if(a.hasClass('richText')){
- <?php if(isset($_REQUEST['hook']))
- include($_REQUEST['hook']);
- ?>
- }
- else{
- a.html("<textarea "+title+"name=\"textarea\" id=\""+ a.attr('id') +"_field\" onblur=\"fieldSave(a.attr('id'),nl2br(this.value));\">" + a.html().replace(/<br>/gi, "") + "</textarea>");
- a.children(':first').focus().autosize().trigger('autosize.resize');
- }
- changing = true;
- });
- $('.toggle').click(function(){
- $('.hide').toggle('200');
- });
-function nl2br(s){
- return (s + '').replace(/([^>\r\n]?)(\r\n|\n\r|\r|\n)/g, '$1<br />$2');
-function fieldSave(key,val){
- $.post('edittext.php', {fieldname: key, content: val}).done(function(data){
- if(key == 'theme_name'){location.reload(true);}
- else if(val==''){$('#'+key).html($('#'+key).attr('title'));}
- else {$("#"+key).html(data);}
- changing = false;
- });
-} \ No newline at end of file
+Autosize v1.18.1 - 2013-11-05
+Automatically adjust textarea height based on user input.
+(c) 2013 Jack Moore -
+(function(e){var t,o={className:"autosizejs",append:"",callback:!1,resizeDelay:10},i='<textarea tabindex="-1" style="position:absolute; top:-999px; left:0; right:auto; bottom:auto; border:0; padding: 0; -moz-box-sizing:content-box; -webkit-box-sizing:content-box; box-sizing:content-box; word-wrap:break-word; height:0 !important; min-height:0 !important; overflow:hidden; transition:none; -webkit-transition:none; -moz-transition:none;"/>',n=["fontFamily","fontSize","fontWeight","fontStyle","letterSpacing","textTransform","wordSpacing","textIndent"],s=e(i).data("autosize",!0)[0];"99px","99px"===e(s).css("lineHeight")&&n.push("lineHeight"),"",e.fn.autosize=function(i){return this.length?(i=e.extend({},o,i||{}),s.parentNode!==document.body&&e(document.body).append(s),this.each(function(){function o(){var t,o;"getComputedStyle"in window?(t=window.getComputedStyle(u,null),o=u.getBoundingClientRect().width,e.each(["paddingLeft","paddingRight","borderLeftWidth","borderRightWidth"],function(e,i){o-=parseInt(t[i],10)}),"px"),0)+"px"}function a(){var a={};if(t=u,s.className=i.className,d=parseInt(p.css("maxHeight"),10),e.each(n,function(e,t){a[t]=p.css(t)}),e(s).css(a),o(),{var;"0px",u.offsetWidth,}}function r(){var e,n;t!==u?a():o(),s.value=u.value+i.append,,n=parseInt(,10),s.scrollTop=0,s.scrollTop=9e4,e=s.scrollTop,d&&e>d?("scroll",e=d):("hidden",c>e&&(e=c)),e+=w,n!==e&&("px",f&&,u))}function l(){clearTimeout(h),h=setTimeout(function(){var e=p.width();e!==g&&(g=e,r())},parseInt(i.resizeDelay,10))}var d,c,h,u=this,p=e(u),w=0,f=e.isFunction(i.callback),z={,,,,},g=p.width();"autosize")||("autosize",!0),("border-box"===p.css("box-sizing")||"border-box"===p.css("-moz-box-sizing")||"border-box"===p.css("-webkit-box-sizing"))&&(w=p.outerHeight()-p.height()),c=Math.max(parseInt(p.css("minHeight"),10)-w||0,p.height()),p.css({overflow:"hidden",overflowY:"hidden",wordWrap:"break-word",resize:"none"===p.css("resize")||"vertical"===p.css("resize")?"none":"horizontal"}),"onpropertychange"in u?"oninput"in u?p.on("input.autosize keyup.autosize",r):p.on("propertychange.autosize",function(){"value"===event.propertyName&&r()}):p.on("input.autosize",r),i.resizeDelay!==!1&&e(window).on("resize.autosize",l),p.on("autosize.resize",r),p.on("autosize.resizeIncludeStyle",function(){t=null,r()}),p.on("autosize.destroy",function(){t=null,clearTimeout(h),e(window).off("resize",l),"autosize").off(".autosize").css(z).removeData("autosize")}),r())})):this}})(window.$||window.$);
+var changing = false;
+ $('span.editText').click(function(){
+ if(changing)return;
+ a = $(this);
+ title=(a.attr('title'))?title="\""+a.attr('title')+"\" ":"";
+ if(a.hasClass('richText')){
+ <?php if(isset($_REQUEST['hook']))
+ include($_REQUEST['hook']);
+ ?>
+ }
+ else{
+ a.html("<textarea "+title+"name=\"textarea\" id=\""+ a.attr('id') +"_field\" onblur=\"fieldSave(a.attr('id'),nl2br(this.value));\">" + a.html().replace(/<br>/gi, "") + "</textarea>");
+ a.children(':first').focus().autosize().trigger('autosize.resize');
+ }
+ changing = true;
+ });
+ $('.toggle').click(function(){
+ $('.hide').toggle('200');
+ });
+function nl2br(s){
+ return (s + '').replace(/([^>\r\n]?)(\r\n|\n\r|\r|\n)/g, '$1<br />$2');
+function fieldSave(key,val){
+ $.post('edittext.php', {fieldname: key, content: val}).done(function(data){
+ if(key == 'theme_name'){location.reload(true);}
+ else if(val==''){$('#'+key).html($('#'+key).attr('title'));}
+ else {$("#"+key).html(data);}
+ changing = false;
+ });
diff --git a/js/rte.php b/js/rte.php
index 2a1d06a..fb30913 100644
--- a/js/rte.php
+++ b/js/rte.php
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-a.html("<textarea "+title+"name=\"textarea\" id=\""+ a.attr('id') +"_field\" onblur=\"fieldSave(a.attr('id'),nl2br(this.value));\">" + a.html().replace(/<br>/gi, "") + "</textarea>");
-a.children(':first').focus().autosize().trigger('autosize.resize'); \ No newline at end of file
+a.html("<textarea "+title+"name=\"textarea\" id=\""+ a.attr('id') +"_field\" onblur=\"fieldSave(a.attr('id'),nl2br(this.value));\">" + a.html().replace(/<br>/gi, "") + "</textarea>");
diff --git a/plugins/ b/plugins/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34b7619
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+- plugins should be placed into arbitrary directory and should contain index.php
diff --git a/themes/blue/style.css b/themes/blue/style.css
index 473e832..c885028 100644
--- a/themes/blue/style.css
+++ b/themes/blue/style.css
@@ -1,188 +1,188 @@
-html {
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-span.editText textarea {
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- color: inherit;
- display: block;
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- font-size: inherit;
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- background-color: transparent;
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-.change select {
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-footer {
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-footer p {
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diff --git a/themes/blue/theme.php b/themes/blue/theme.php
index 0ce4cfd..fbec1e7 100644
--- a/themes/blue/theme.php
+++ b/themes/blue/theme.php
@@ -1,40 +1,40 @@
-<!doctype html>
-<html lang="en">
- echo " <meta charset='utf-8'>
- <title>" . $c['title'] . " - " . $c['page'] . "</title>
- <base href='$hostname'>
- <link rel='stylesheet' href='themes/" . $c['theme_name'] . "/style.css'>
- <script src='js/jquery-2.1.1.min.js'></script>
- <meta name='description' content='" . $c['description'] . "'>
- <meta name='keywords' content='" . $c['keywords'] . "'>";
- edit_tags();
- <nav id="nav">
- <h1 id="main-title"><a href='./'><?php echo $c['title']; ?></a></h1>
- <ul>
- <?php menu("<li><a", "</a></li>"); ?>
- </ul>
- </nav>
-<?php if (is_loggedin()) settings(); ?>
-<div class="clear"></div>
-<div id="wrapper" class="border">
- <?php content($c['page'], $c['content']); ?>
-<div id="side" class="border">
- <?php content('subside', $c['subside']); ?>
-<div class="clear"></div>
-<footer><p><?php echo $c['copyright'] . " | $sig | $lstatus"; ?></p></footer>
-</html> \ No newline at end of file
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+ echo " <meta charset='utf-8'>
+ <title>" . $c['title'] . " - " . $c['page'] . "</title>
+ <base href='$hostname'>
+ <link rel='stylesheet' href='themes/" . $c['theme_name'] . "/style.css'>
+ <script src='js/jquery-2.1.1.min.js'></script>
+ <meta name='description' content='" . $c['description'] . "'>
+ <meta name='keywords' content='" . $c['keywords'] . "'>";
+ edit_tags();
+ <nav id="nav">
+ <h1 id="main-title"><a href='./'><?php echo $c['title']; ?></a></h1>
+ <ul>
+ <?php menu("<li><a", "</a></li>"); ?>
+ </ul>
+ </nav>
+<?php if (is_loggedin()) settings(); ?>
+<div class="clear"></div>
+<div id="wrapper" class="border">
+ <?php content($c['page'], $c['content']); ?>
+<div id="side" class="border">
+ <?php content('subside', $c['subside']); ?>
+<div class="clear"></div>
+<footer><p><?php echo $c['copyright'] . " | $sig | $lstatus"; ?></p></footer>