From a1d9689c5df0bdaf49a42e4682742e344665791a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kyle K <>
Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2012 23:39:29 -0500
Subject: work more on this, what more can I say

 pnhandler.js  | 59 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 route.js      |  8 +++++---
 tinyserver.js | 21 +++++++++++++++------
 3 files changed, 74 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pnhandler.js b/pnhandler.js
index 4123049..dba03db 100644
--- a/pnhandler.js
+++ b/pnhandler.js
@@ -5,41 +5,90 @@
 var util = require('util');
+var querystring = require('querystring');
-function noop(query, res) {
+function noop(query, reqdata, res) {
     util.log('[pnhandler] handling ' + query.pathname +
              ', ok who the fuck is messing with us?');
     res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
-function register(query, res) {
+function register(query, reqdata, res) {
     util.log('[pnhandler] handling ' + query.pathname);
     res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
-function login(query, res) {
+function login(query, reqdata, res) {
     util.log('[pnhandler] handling ' + query.pathname);
     res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
-function poll(query, res) {
+function poll(query, reqdata, res) {
     util.log('[pnhandler] handling ' + query.pathname);
     res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
-function upload(query, res) {
+function upload(query, reqdata, res) {
     util.log('[pnhandler] handling ' + query.pathname);
     res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
+function hello(query, reqdata, res) {
+    util.log('[pnhandler] handling ' + query.pathname);
+    var body =
+    '<!DOCTYPE html>\n' +
+    '<html>\n' +
+    '<head>\n' +
+    '<title>Hello</title>\n' +
+    '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />\n' +
+    '</head>\n' +
+    '<body>\n' +
+    '<form action="/hellores" method="post">\n' +
+    '<textarea name="text" rows="20" cols="60"></textarea><br />\n' +
+    '<input type="submit" value="Submit text" />\n' +
+    '</form>\n' +
+    '</body>\n' +
+    '</html>\n';
+    res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'});
+    res.write(body);
+    res.end();
+function hellores(query, reqdata, res) {
+    util.log('[pnhandler] handling ' + query.pathname);
+    util.log('[pnhandler] hello recv:\n' + querystring.parse(reqdata).text);
+    var body =
+    '<!DOCTYPE html>\n' +
+    '<html>\n' +
+    '<head>\n' +
+    '<title>Hello Response</title>\n' +
+    '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />\n' +
+    '</head>\n' +
+    '<body>\n' +
+    '<p>You requested/sent:<br /></p>' +
+    querystring.parse(reqdata).text +
+    '</body>\n' +
+    '</html>\n';
+    res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'});
+    res.write(body);
+    res.end();
 exports.noop = noop;
 exports.register = register;
 exports.login = login;
 exports.poll = poll;
 exports.upload = upload;
+exports.hello = hello;
+exports.hellores = hellores;
diff --git a/route.js b/route.js
index e8f614f..9a47ff5 100644
--- a/route.js
+++ b/route.js
@@ -14,12 +14,14 @@ var handle = {
     '/register': pnhandler.register,
     '/login': pnhandler.login,
     '/poll': pnhandler.poll,
-    '/upload': pnhandler.upload
+    '/upload': pnhandler.upload,
+    '/hello': pnhandler.hello,
+    '/hellores': pnhandler.hellores
-function route(query, res) {
+function route(query, reqdata, res) {
     if (typeof handle[query.pathname] === 'function' ) {
-        handle[query.pathname](query, res);
+        handle[query.pathname](query, reqdata, res);
     } else {
         util.log('[route] no handler found for ' + query.pathname);
diff --git a/tinyserver.js b/tinyserver.js
index fd9d37d..ac2560b 100644
--- a/tinyserver.js
+++ b/tinyserver.js
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+ * tinyserver.js
+ *
+ * author: Kyle
+ *
+ * teh server, what else is new?
+ *
+ */
 var http = require('http');
 var util = require('util');
 var url  = require('url');
@@ -14,26 +23,26 @@ var activeUsers = [];
 /* this function is poked upon 'request' event */
 function requestListener(req, res) {
-    var datareq = '';
+    var reqdata = ''; /* for POST data */
-    req.on('data', function(chunk) { datareq += chunk; } );
+    req.on('data', function(chunk) { reqdata += chunk; } );
+    req.on('close', function() { util.log('[reqlistener] client terminated before we could respond'); });
     req.on('end', function() {
-        util.log('[reqlistener] finished recv data');
-        //console.log('data: %s', datareq.length == 0 ? 'empty' : datareq);
+        util.log(util.format('[reqlistener] finished recv data%s', (reqdata.length == 0) ? '' : ', got ' + reqdata.length + ' bytes'));
         /* should be some logic, e.g. blueprint 1 */
         util.log('[reqlistener] request kind: ' + req.method);
         /* routing for pathname, figure out what request we have */
         var urlquery = url.parse(req.url);
         //console.log('[reqlistener] query dump:\n' + util.inspect(urlquery));
-        router.route(urlquery, res);
+        router.route(urlquery, reqdata, res);
-    req.on('close', function() { util.log('[reqlistener] client terminated before we could respond'); });
 var server = http.createServer(requestListener);
 server.listen(serverConfig.port, serverConfig.hostname, function() {
     /* could use for proxy stuff? this function is called when listening event is emitted */
+    util.log('[server] listening on port ' + serverConfig.port);
 server.on('connection', function(socket) {
cgit v1.2.3