[express] $ express - do '# npm install -g express' beforehand, express command generates nice template dir structure to get started - last param in functions usually implies a callback - app.param map/assosiate some logic to a 'route parameter(s)', so when you enter such route you can expect to have a variable filled for you, e.g. route: /sys/:id, let's say id is 'listdb', then a db would get preloaded by the time we stepped into the route logic - doing next(new Error('foo')) will stall and end middleware chain [node] - process.nextTick() when you defined a function that return something, and takes in a callback, make sure you callback on the next event loop-around, so at that point you would return valid object, that callback might likely want to access/modify use this to be nice, similar to yield()? delay executation of callback until next loop-around [code analysis] # npm install -g jslint $ jslint --sloppy --white [make a copy of an array] var foo = [1, 2, 3]; var bar = foo.slice(0); - an object that listen for event must be subclass of of events.EventEmitter, e.g. http.createServer() I'm an eventer, I will emit events, and have a list of who responds/listens to those, so we will see statements such eventer.on('foo', somehandler) [modules] - now.js and dnode--socket.io namespace (function/var sharing) [mongodb] $ mongo; show dbs; use nodejs1; show collections; db.getCollectionNames(), db.users.find(), db.users.remove(), db.users.drop() [debug node] $ node --debug-brk app.js $ node-inspector & - __proto__ in node-inspector imples functions/methods of the 'this' object [module.exports vs exports] - if you want your module to be of a specific object type (boolean, string, etc), use module.exports; if you want your module to be a typical module instance, use exports - result of attaching properties to module.exports is akin (same) to attaching properties to exports - http://www.hacksparrow.com/node-js-exports-vs-module-exports.html