/* hashtbl.c * * Hash Table * */ #include "hashtbl.h" #include "hashfuncs.h" char *strdup(const char *s) { char *b; if (!(b = malloc(strlen(s) + 1))) return NULL; strcpy(b, s); return b; } HASHTBL *hashtbl_create(size_t size, unsigned int (*hashfunc)(const char *)) { HASHTBL *hashtbl; if (!(hashtbl = malloc(sizeof(HASHTBL)))) return NULL; /* pointer array of nodes */ if (!(hashtbl->nodes = calloc(size, sizeof(struct hashnode_s*)))) { free(hashtbl); return NULL; } hashtbl->size = size; if (hashfunc) hashtbl->hashfunc = hashfunc; else hashtbl->hashfunc = aphash; return hashtbl; } void hashtbl_destroy(HASHTBL *hashtbl) { size_t n; struct hashnode_s *node, *oldnode; for (n = 0; nsize; ++n) { node = hashtbl->nodes[n]; while (node) { free(node->key); oldnode = node; node = node->next; free(oldnode); } } free(hashtbl->nodes); free(hashtbl); } int hashtbl_insert(HASHTBL *hashtbl, const char *key, void *data) { struct hashnode_s *head; size_t hash = hashtbl->hashfunc(key) % hashtbl->size; /* fprintf(stderr, "hashtbl_insert() key = %s, hash = %d, data = %s\n", key, hash, (char*)data); */ head = hashtbl->nodes[hash]; while (head) { if (!strcmp(head->key, key)) { /* update the data in currently existing node */ head->data = data; return 0; } head = head->next; } /* if we get here, it means that this is the first node at particular index * or we are appending new node to the end of the linked list */ if (!(head = malloc(sizeof(struct hashnode_s)))) return -1; if (!(head->key = strdup(key))) { free(head); return -1; } head->data = data; head->next = hashtbl->nodes[hash]; /* update head ptr */ hashtbl->nodes[hash] = head; return 0; } int hashtbl_remove(HASHTBL *hashtbl, const char *key) { struct hashnode_s *node, *prevnode = NULL; size_t hash = hashtbl->hashfunc(key) % hashtbl->size; node = hashtbl->nodes[hash]; while (node) { if (!strcmp(node->key, key)) { free(node->key); if (prevnode) prevnode->next = node->next; else hashtbl->nodes[hash] = node->next; free(node); return 0; } prevnode = node; node = node->next; } return -1; } void *hashtbl_get(HASHTBL *hashtbl, const char *key) { struct hashnode_s *head; size_t hash = hashtbl->hashfunc(key) % hashtbl->size; /* fprintf(stderr, "hashtbl_get() key = %s, hash = %d\n", key, hash);*/ head = hashtbl->nodes[hash]; while (head) { /* return data only when keys match */ if (!strcmp(head->key, key)) return head->data; head = head->next; } return NULL; } int hashtbl_resize(HASHTBL *hashtbl, size_t size) { HASHTBL newtbl; size_t n; struct hashnode_s *node,*next; newtbl.size = size; newtbl.hashfunc = hashtbl->hashfunc; if (!(newtbl.nodes = calloc(size, sizeof(struct hashnode_s*)))) return -1; for (n = 0; nsize; ++n) { for (node = hashtbl->nodes[n]; node; node = next) { next = node->next; hashtbl_insert(&newtbl, node->key, node->data); hashtbl_remove(hashtbl, node->key); } } free(hashtbl->nodes); hashtbl->size = newtbl.size; hashtbl->nodes = newtbl.nodes; return 0; } int main(void) { char *key = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890"; (void) printf("Hash Functions\n"); (void) printf("Key: %s\n\n", key); (void) printf("ASCII default hash function value: %u\n", defaulthash(key)); (void) printf("RS hash function value: %u\n", rshash(key)); (void) printf("JS hash function value: %u\n", jshash(key)); (void) printf("PJW hash function value: %u\n", pjwhash(key)); (void) printf("ELF hash function value: %u\n", elfhash(key)); (void) printf("BKDR hash function value: %u\n", bkdrhash(key)); (void) printf("SDBM hash function value: %u\n", sdbmhash(key)); (void) printf("DJB hash function value: %u\n", djbhash(key)); (void) printf("DEK hash function value: %u\n", dekhash(key)); (void) printf("BP hash function value: %u\n", bphash(key)); (void) printf("FNV hash function value: %u\n", fnvhash(key)); (void) printf("AP hash function value: %u\n", aphash(key)); (void) puts(""); HASHTBL *hashtbl; char *italy, *spain; hashtbl = hashtbl_create(16, NULL); if (hashtbl == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "error: hashtbl_create() failed\n"); exit(-1); } hashtbl_insert(hashtbl, "France", "Paris"); hashtbl_insert(hashtbl, "England", "London"); hashtbl_insert(hashtbl, "Sweden", "Stockholm"); hashtbl_insert(hashtbl, "Germany", "Berlin"); hashtbl_insert(hashtbl, "Norway", "Oslo"); hashtbl_insert(hashtbl, "Italy", "Rome"); hashtbl_insert(hashtbl, "Spain", "Madrid"); hashtbl_insert(hashtbl, "Estonia", "Tallinn"); hashtbl_insert(hashtbl, "Netherlands", "Amsterdam"); hashtbl_insert(hashtbl, "Ireland", "Dublin"); italy = hashtbl_get(hashtbl, "Italy"); (void) printf("Italy: %s\n", italy ? italy : ""); spain = hashtbl_get(hashtbl, "Spain"); (void) printf("Spain: %s\n", spain ? spain : ""); hashtbl_destroy(hashtbl); return 0; }