#ccflags-y += -g

# Makfile assignments:
#  := value at right is expanded and assigned at declaration time
#   = value at right is expanded only when it is used, hence it is a reference
#  ?= value at right is assigned only if the variable doesn't have a value

# objects that are part of hello module (hello.o)
hello-y += main.o debug.o

# .ko module to be created
obj-m := hello.o

# '-C' changes the dir
# '-M' causes the the kernel's toplevel Makefile to move back into this dir
#      before trying to build 'modules' target
	make -C /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build KCPPFLAGS="-I$(CURDIR)" M=$(PWD) modules

	make -C /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build M=$(PWD) clean