Beyond The Basics?

name = $name; $this->lname = $lname; Person::$id++; } function __clone() { $this->increment(); /* we're cloning, creating another person, so increase count */ } function fullname() { return $this->name . " " . $this->lname; } static function increment() { self::$id++; /* another way to mean Person:: */ } } class Employee extends Person { static function oneup() { parent::increment(); /* refer to parent's stuff */ } }; $person = new Person("Kyle", "Broflovski"); echo $person->fullname() . "
\n"; $me = clone $person; $me->lname = "K"; echo $me->fullname() . "
\n"; echo "total ids: " . Person::$id . "
\n"; ?>

== is like memcmp in C, it compares whole classes and attributes
=== is like == in C, simply comparing references