/* Kamil Kaminski * NetID: kkamin8 * * CS340 * Project 1, Poker Game * * */ #include "game.h" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* seed rand() */ srand((unsigned int ) time(NULL)); /* pokerGame instance */ Game *pokerGame = new Game(); PRINT_COLOR(ANSI_COLOR_GREEN, "\tWelcome to Poker Game\n\n"); /* number of opponents user input */ pokerGame->askForNumberOfOpponents(); /* pokerGame loop */ bool quit = false; while (!quit) { cout << "\n> The deck is being shuffled" << endl; pokerGame->shufflePile(); #ifdef DEBUG PRINT_COLOR(ANSI_COLOR_CYAN, "\ndebug: deck after shuffle\n"); pokerGame->printPile(); #endif /* all methods assume that cards are sorted, it is our responsibility to * to meet that, this results in simpler code */ cout << "\n> Dealing cards to the user" << endl; pokerGame->dealUserCards(); pokerGame->sortUserCards(); cout << "> Dealing cards to opponent(s)" << endl << endl; pokerGame->dealOpponentCards(); pokerGame->sortOpponentCards(); cout << "Cards in your hand: "; pokerGame->printUserCards(); pokerGame->userAI(pokerGame->getUserCards()); #ifdef DEBUG PRINT_COLOR(ANSI_COLOR_CYAN, "\ndebug: opponents' cards:\n"); pokerGame->printOpponentCards(); PRINT_COLOR(ANSI_COLOR_CYAN, "\ndebug: \"Computer's AI\""); #endif /* perform AI for each opponent */ int i; for (i = 0; i < pokerGame->numOfOpponents; i++) pokerGame->opponentAI(i+1); /* resort the cards after the AI */ pokerGame->sortOpponentCards(); cout << "\nFinal cards in your hand: "; pokerGame->sortUserCards(); pokerGame->printUserCards(); cout << "Final opponents' cards:" << endl; pokerGame->printOpponentCards(); #ifdef DEBUG PRINT_COLOR(ANSI_COLOR_CYAN, "\ndebug: deck after being delt to opponents and user\n"); pokerGame->printPile(); #endif pokerGame->evaluateHand(pokerGame->getUserCards(), 0); /* user hand */ for (i = 0; i < pokerGame->numOfOpponents; i++) /* opponents hands */ pokerGame->evaluateHand(pokerGame->getOpponentsCards(i+1), i+1); pokerGame->showHands(); pokerGame->determineWinner(); /* ask to repeat the game and reset the deck of cards */ pokerGame->repeatGame(&quit); pokerGame->resetDeck(); } cout << "\nThank you for playing\n" << pokerGame->handsPlayed << ": Hands played\n" << pokerGame->handsWon << ": Hands won" << endl; delete pokerGame; PRINT_COLOR(ANSI_COLOR_CYAN, "\tBye!\n"); return 0; }