/* * crypt_args.cpp * * Notes: since argv[] array contains c-style char strings, I chose to use C * functions to work on them instead of dealing with C++ class string * conversions. * */ #include "crypt_args.h" char *fname; char *keyfname; char *outfname; int crypt_args(int argc, char **argv) { /* flags */ int fname_f = 0; int keyfname_f = 0; int resultfile_f = 0; int usage_f = 0; int fname_args = 0; int keyfname_args = 0; int resultfile_args = 0; int opt_args = 0; int i; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (argc > 7) { fprintf(stderr, "too many options\n"); usage_f = 1; break; } /* skip non option arguments */ if (!strchr(argv[i], '-')) { opt_args++; if (fname_f) { if (i-1 == fname_f) fname_args++; /* not allowed to have 2 args */ if ((i-2 == fname_f) && argv[i-1][0] != '-') { fprintf(stderr, "too many arguments to \"-f\" option\n"); usage_f = 1; break; } } if (keyfname_f) { if (i-1 == keyfname_f) keyfname_args++; /* not allowed to have 2 args */ if ((i-2 == keyfname_f) && argv[i-1][0] != '-') { fprintf(stderr, "too many arguments to \"-k\" option\n"); usage_f = 1; break; } } if (resultfile_f) { if (i-1 == resultfile_f) resultfile_args++; /* not allowed to have 2 args */ if ((i-2 == resultfile_f) && argv[i-1][0] != '-') { fprintf(stderr, "too many arguments to \"-o\" option\n"); usage_f = 1; break; } } continue; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-f") == 0) fname_f = i; else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-k") == 0) keyfname_f = i; else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-o") == 0) resultfile_f = i; else { fprintf(stderr, "unknown option \"%s\"\n", argv[i]); usage_f = 1; break; } } /* error checking */ if (usage_f || opt_args > 3 || (fname_f && !fname_args) || (resultfile_f && !resultfile_args) || (keyfname_f && !keyfname_args) || (!fname_f && !keyfname_f && !resultfile_f && opt_args)) { printf("usage: %s [-f] file [-k] key [-o ] output\n", argv[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* used for line reading */ ssize_t amount_read = 0; int args_parsed = 0; size_t line_sz = 80; char *line_ptr = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * line_sz); if (!line_ptr) { perror("malloc"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (fname_f) fname = strdup(argv[fname_f+1]); else { /* ask user for the filename */ printf("please provide the file to be encrypted/decrypted: "); fname = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * 100); if (!fname) { perror("malloc"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } do { fflush(stdin); amount_read = getline(&line_ptr, &line_sz, stdin); args_parsed = sscanf(line_ptr, "%s", fname); if (args_parsed != 1) fprintf(stderr, "invalid input, please try again: "); } while (args_parsed != 1); } if (keyfname_f) keyfname = strdup(argv[keyfname_f+1]); else { /* ask user for the filename */ printf("please provide the file that contains the key: "); keyfname = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * 100); if (!keyfname) { perror("malloc"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } do { fflush(stdin); amount_read = getline(&line_ptr, &line_sz, stdin); args_parsed = sscanf(line_ptr, "%s", keyfname); if (args_parsed != 1) fprintf(stderr, "invalid input, please try again: "); } while (args_parsed != 1); } if (resultfile_f) outfname = strdup(argv[resultfile_f+1]); else { /* ask user for the filename */ printf("please specify the output file: "); outfname = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * 100); if (!outfname) { perror("malloc"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } do { fflush(stdin); amount_read = getline(&line_ptr, &line_sz, stdin); args_parsed = sscanf(line_ptr, "%s", outfname); if (args_parsed != 1) fprintf(stderr, "invalid input, please try again: "); } while (args_parsed != 1); } if (line_ptr) free(line_ptr); return 0; }