#include <unistd.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define MAX_LINE 80 #define PIPE_STDIN 0 #define PIPE_STDOUT 1 int main(int argc, char **argv) { const char *string = {"A sample message."}; int ret, myPipe[2]; char buffer[MAX_LINE+1]; /* create the pipe */ ret = pipe(myPipe); if (ret == 0) { /* write message into the pipe */ write(myPipe[PIPE_STDOUT], string, strlen(string)); /* read the message from the pipe */ ret = read(myPipe[PIPE_STDIN], buffer, MAX_LINE); /* null terminate the string */ buffer[ret] = 0; printf("%s\n", buffer); } else { perror("pipe"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return 0; }