[jquery] - learn here -> http://learn.jquery.com/ - $(function() {} is same as $(document).ready(function() {}, $(window).load(function () {} comes later in rendering process when all tags are ready such as images -> DOM way, in case jQuery hasn't loaded yet and is undefined, e.g. jQuery gets loaded in footer - https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Events/DOMContentLoaded - stop the default action e.g. you have an anchor and register a listener for a .click() event using jquery, but you don't want default href="foo" behavior so you do: event.preventDefault(); /* prevent href from doing its job */ return false; /* stops bubbling up */ - the $() is a constructor call, $ is a variable name, js doesn't prepend var names with $ -> find() is similar, and can be chained - very common jquery uses -> you make a selection using $('your search') and you wonder what you got back - you loop with .each(function {}); - use .length, http://learn.jquery.com/using-jquery-core/faq/how-do-i-test-whether-an-element-exists/ e.g. if ($('$foo').length) /* heck yeah */ ; - useful api funtions -> trigger(), e.g. you want to click event to happen on some element at your will, exmaple: ('div.clips a:first').trigger('click'); -> after(), append a new element after current, e.g. $('#foo').after('
'); -> is(), e.g i used it to check if arr content of arr at some index is empty, below: if (!$(transcripts_divs[ind]).is(':empty')) { /* do something awesome */ } -> walking DOM tree - parent(), parentUntil() - next(), children()