path: root/wmn.h
diff options
authorKyle K <>2015-04-15 04:38:04 -0500
committerKyle K <>2015-04-15 04:38:04 -0500
commit70cb6d01b478fbb1cfa2741553f35e6d8da4042d (patch)
treee51c5f11bb2aa58b8e7a1f8a090ecc96eebc58a7 /wmn.h
parent9dc9b87417acf5c26df8f1cb3034fe1e350080e6 (diff)
initial commit
1st commit after 3 hard weeks of staring at hex editor. At this time WMN.DAT archive from Wangan Midnight is extractable.
Diffstat (limited to 'wmn.h')
1 files changed, 89 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/wmn.h b/wmn.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f81695
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wmn.h
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+#include "stdint.h"
+#include "TXRExtractor.h"
+#define WMN_FILENAME_MAX_SZ 128
+#define WMN_INFLATE_CHUNK_MAX_SZ 0x40000 /* 256KB */
+// first 48 bytes in table of content (.TOC file) of Wangan Midnight
+struct WMN_TOC_HEADER {
+ char fourcc[4]; // BLDh
+ uint32_t vermagic; // 0
+ char def_section[4]; // "def "
+ uint32_t def_section_sz; // size of def chunk, 24 bytes for WMN
+ uint32_t unknown1; // 65536
+ uint32_t number_of_files; // number of files in WMN.DAT, it is 3174
+ uint32_t unknown2; // 22771984
+ uint32_t unknown3; // 6620888, AUDIO_PS3.TOC has 0x0 here anyway?
+ uint32_t alignment; // 2048 byte aligned
+ uint32_t unknown4; // 0x0
+ char inf_section[4]; // "inf "
+ uint32_t inf_section_sz; // size of inf chunk
+// starts at 0x1F020h
+ char tbl_section[4]; // "tbl "
+ uint32_t tbl_section_sz; // 101656 bytes for WMN
+ // after 8 of above bytes, fname null terminated strings can be read
+// starts at 0x37D40h
+ char rof_section[4]; // "rof "
+ uint32_t rof_section_sz; // 512 bytes for WMN
+ // at this it is unknown what rof section is for
+ // after this it is end of TOC file
+// 40 bytes per entry, 3174 of them starting at 0x30h
+ uint32_t file_offset; // offset * alignment = starting position of a file
+ uint32_t file_zsz; // seems to be 8 more than 'file_deflate_parts_sz' member from 'WMN_DAT_CHUNK'
+ uint32_t file_sz; // final file size, non-deflate files report this as 0, e.g. FONT/MDK32_ROW.DAT at 0xAF800h in WMN.DAT
+ uint32_t unknown1; //
+ uint32_t unknown_zero1;
+ uint32_t unknown_zero2;
+ char unknown_string[12];
+ uint32_t unknown_zero3;
+// deflated chunk spec, weights in at 60 bytes
+struct WMN_DAT_CHUNK {
+ char fourcc[4]; // GARC
+ uint32_t file_deflate_parts_sz; // size of all chunks combined starting with "GARC" to last bytes before zeros padding begin
+ char file_zlib_magic[4]; // zlib
+ uint32_t file_inflate_sz; // final file size after inflation of all chunks
+ // below part is 28 bytes
+ char inf_section[4]; // "inf "
+ uint32_t inf_section_sz; // 20 bytes for Wangan Midnight
+ uint32_t inf_section_unknown1; // 4656
+ uint32_t inf_section_max_chunk_size; // 256KB aka 262144
+ uint32_t inf_section_unknown2; // 1536
+ char inf_section_padding[8]; // 0x0h 0x0h
+ char dat_section[4]; // "dat "
+ uint32_t dat_section_size; // size of all chunks combined starting with "dat " and ending just before zeros padding begin
+ uint32_t sz_of_curr_deflated_chunk; // size of raw chunk deflate data including the 6 byte zlib header and ending somewhere before padded 0x0h
+ // every nth chunks starts with this followed by 0x0h, 6 byte zlib header, and raw data...
+ char padding[4]; // 0x0
+ /* char zlibheader[6]; e.g. 78 9C BD 5A 79 78 */
+ // rest is raw zlib deflate data...
+ // followed by ADLER32 hash?
+// function prototypes
+int mkdirr(const char *);
+int wmn_dat_inflate_file(FILE *, struct WMN_DAT_CHUNK, struct WMN_TOC_DIR_ENTRY, void **, size_t *, const char *);
+int wmn_toc_parse_filenames(FILE *, struct WMN_TOC_HEADER, char **);
+int wmn_toc_parse_dir_entries(FILE *, FILE *, struct WMN_TOC_HEADER, char **);
+int wmn_extract(FILE *, FILE *);