path: root/protoype/views/index.jade
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Diffstat (limited to 'protoype/views/index.jade')
1 files changed, 15 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/protoype/views/index.jade b/protoype/views/index.jade
index fba191d..4c984bc 100644
--- a/protoype/views/index.jade
+++ b/protoype/views/index.jade
@@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
-h2(style='border-bottom: dashed #FF9900; letter-spacing: -2px')= title
-p Welcome to #{title}. Find your opponent, and get ready!
+extends layout
-h4(style='background-color: #99FF66; padding: 2px') User List
-- each user in users
- #listentry <u>#{user.tag}</u> >> #{user.location.loc} |
- - if (user.status == 'online')
- span(style='color: green; font-weight: bold')= user.status
- - else
- span(style='color: red; font-weight: bold')= user.status
- | <br />#{user.vehicle.year} #{user.vehicle.make} #{user.vehicle.model}
- | <br />mods: #{user.vehicle.desc}<br />
- span(style='color: gray; font-style: italic')= user.userinfo.sig
+block content
+ h2(style='border-bottom: dashed #FF9900; letter-spacing: -2px')= title
+ p Welcome to #{title}. Find your opponent, and get ready!
+ h4(style='background-color: #99FF66; padding: 2px') User List
+ - each user in users
+ #listentry <u>#{user.tag}</u> >> #{user.location.loc} |
+ - if (user.status == 'online')
+ span(style='color: green; font-weight: bold')= user.status
+ - else
+ span(style='color: red; font-weight: bold')= user.status
+ | <br />#{user.vehicle.year} #{user.vehicle.make} #{user.vehicle.model}
+ | <br />mods: #{user.vehicle.desc}<br />
+ span(style='color: gray; font-style: italic')= user.userinfo.sig