path: root/jsnotes.txt
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diff --git a/jsnotes.txt b/jsnotes.txt
index d28e473..ea4a049 100644
--- a/jsnotes.txt
+++ b/jsnotes.txt
@@ -1,7 +1,27 @@
+- JS includes keyval as language construct (aka associative array/hashtable/dictionary),
+ this brings confusion and multiple ways to do 1 thing (as objects, arrays, and functions can be interchangeable)
+- everything is an object, if that wasn't enough, JS is reflective,
+ at any point we may add/mutate properties of object e.g. foo.newmember = "bar";
+Best practices / rule of thumb
+- when in doubt how to store data, always start with JSON (don't sore functions)
+- always use 'var' keyword unless you're dereferencing a global
+- all functions are objects
+- 'this' keyword can be used in function if it is being new'ed (as in creating object/instance),
+ if function was called without 'new' then will bind to ...
+- NEW keyword, JS expects a constructor when new'ing, this implies we should NEW a function,
+ new'ing e.g. 'new {} throws TypeError: object is not a function'
[data types]
+- built-ins?
+ the keval/dictionary/hash/associate-array language construct
- primitive
string, number boolean
@@ -15,6 +35,9 @@
null, undefined
note: null is not 0, does not have type, undefined is a string
+- var keyword is used to make local variables
[anonymous functions]
wrapping code inside of 'function() { code } ()' is handy for creating a
namespace for your code and restricting scope, since js essentially has
@@ -38,4 +61,39 @@ defined in
when function is assigned to this object, only 1 copy exists, it is memory
efficient, also we get expected behavior when overriding that function
- 'new' changes meaning of a function, upon invocation, function is ran in blank
- object context \ No newline at end of file
+ object context
+[some examples]
+> 4 - 2 is 2
+> 4 - "2" is 2
+> "4" + 2 is "42"
+> 0 == false true
+> 1 == "1" true (js
+> 1 === "1" false (no type coercion is taking place)
+> [] + [] "" empty string
+> [] + {} {object Object] Object
+> {} + [] 0
+> {} + {} NaN
+~~~~~----- BROWSER -----~~~~~
+[JS in a browser]
+- there are 3 main global objects
+ 1) the execution context and global object for that context's JS
+ 2) document....contains the HTML
+ 3) screen......describes the physical display's full screen
+- your code gets executed inside something that looks like
+ with (window) {
+ //Your code
+ }
+- console.log is not available in to use from within HTML->JS, however it does exist in browser's console (Ctrl+Shift+k or F12)