path: root/bigint
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authorKyle K <>2011-02-18 19:10:16 -0600
committerKamil Kaminski <>2011-02-18 19:10:16 -0600
commit2d1eb462fe119d34568e1652b8107fd552c15025 (patch)
tree807211ec709b45b2339149adb6fbb5f51d47e569 /bigint
parentec58cdb26cc89df9b9bbb0e33fe843e5b4284955 (diff)
begin crypt
Diffstat (limited to 'bigint')
18 files changed, 3162 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bigint/ b/bigint/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b23aa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bigint/
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+#include "BigInteger.hh"
+void BigInteger::operator =(const BigInteger &x) {
+ // Calls like a = a have no effect
+ if (this == &x)
+ return;
+ // Copy sign
+ sign = x.sign;
+ // Copy the rest
+ mag = x.mag;
+BigInteger::BigInteger(const Blk *b, Index blen, Sign s) : mag(b, blen) {
+ switch (s) {
+ case zero:
+ if (!mag.isZero())
+ throw "BigInteger::BigInteger(const Blk *, Index, Sign): Cannot use a sign of zero with a nonzero magnitude";
+ sign = zero;
+ break;
+ case positive:
+ case negative:
+ // If the magnitude is zero, force the sign to zero.
+ sign = mag.isZero() ? zero : s;
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* g++ seems to be optimizing out this case on the assumption
+ * that the sign is a valid member of the enumeration. Oh well. */
+ throw "BigInteger::BigInteger(const Blk *, Index, Sign): Invalid sign";
+ }
+BigInteger::BigInteger(const BigUnsigned &x, Sign s) : mag(x) {
+ switch (s) {
+ case zero:
+ if (!mag.isZero())
+ throw "BigInteger::BigInteger(const BigUnsigned &, Sign): Cannot use a sign of zero with a nonzero magnitude";
+ sign = zero;
+ break;
+ case positive:
+ case negative:
+ // If the magnitude is zero, force the sign to zero.
+ sign = mag.isZero() ? zero : s;
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* g++ seems to be optimizing out this case on the assumption
+ * that the sign is a valid member of the enumeration. Oh well. */
+ throw "BigInteger::BigInteger(const BigUnsigned &, Sign): Invalid sign";
+ }
+ * Same idea as in, except that negative input results in a
+ * negative BigInteger instead of an exception. */
+// Done longhand to let us use initialization.
+BigInteger::BigInteger(unsigned long x) : mag(x) { sign = mag.isZero() ? zero : positive; }
+BigInteger::BigInteger(unsigned int x) : mag(x) { sign = mag.isZero() ? zero : positive; }
+BigInteger::BigInteger(unsigned short x) : mag(x) { sign = mag.isZero() ? zero : positive; }
+// For signed input, determine the desired magnitude and sign separately.
+namespace {
+ template <class X, class UX>
+ BigInteger::Blk magOf(X x) {
+ /* UX(...) cast needed to stop short(-2^15), which negates to
+ * itself, from sign-extending in the conversion to Blk. */
+ return BigInteger::Blk(x < 0 ? UX(-x) : x);
+ }
+ template <class X>
+ BigInteger::Sign signOf(X x) {
+ return (x == 0) ? BigInteger::zero
+ : (x > 0) ? BigInteger::positive
+ : BigInteger::negative;
+ }
+BigInteger::BigInteger(long x) : sign(signOf(x)), mag(magOf<long , unsigned long >(x)) {}
+BigInteger::BigInteger(int x) : sign(signOf(x)), mag(magOf<int , unsigned int >(x)) {}
+BigInteger::BigInteger(short x) : sign(signOf(x)), mag(magOf<short, unsigned short>(x)) {}
+/* Reuse BigUnsigned's conversion to an unsigned primitive integer.
+ * The friend is a separate function rather than
+ * BigInteger::convertToUnsignedPrimitive to avoid requiring BigUnsigned to
+ * declare BigInteger. */
+template <class X>
+inline X convertBigUnsignedToPrimitiveAccess(const BigUnsigned &a) {
+ return a.convertToPrimitive<X>();
+template <class X>
+X BigInteger::convertToUnsignedPrimitive() const {
+ if (sign == negative)
+ throw "BigInteger::to<Primitive>: "
+ "Cannot convert a negative integer to an unsigned type";
+ else
+ return convertBigUnsignedToPrimitiveAccess<X>(mag);
+/* Similar to BigUnsigned::convertToPrimitive, but split into two cases for
+ * nonnegative and negative numbers. */
+template <class X, class UX>
+X BigInteger::convertToSignedPrimitive() const {
+ if (sign == zero)
+ return 0;
+ else if (mag.getLength() == 1) {
+ // The single block might fit in an X. Try the conversion.
+ Blk b = mag.getBlock(0);
+ if (sign == positive) {
+ X x = X(b);
+ if (x >= 0 && Blk(x) == b)
+ return x;
+ } else {
+ X x = -X(b);
+ /* UX(...) needed to avoid rejecting conversion of
+ * -2^15 to a short. */
+ if (x < 0 && Blk(UX(-x)) == b)
+ return x;
+ }
+ // Otherwise fall through.
+ }
+ throw "BigInteger::to<Primitive>: "
+ "Value is too big to fit in the requested type";
+unsigned long BigInteger::toUnsignedLong () const { return convertToUnsignedPrimitive<unsigned long > (); }
+unsigned int BigInteger::toUnsignedInt () const { return convertToUnsignedPrimitive<unsigned int > (); }
+unsigned short BigInteger::toUnsignedShort() const { return convertToUnsignedPrimitive<unsigned short> (); }
+long BigInteger::toLong () const { return convertToSignedPrimitive <long , unsigned long> (); }
+int BigInteger::toInt () const { return convertToSignedPrimitive <int , unsigned int> (); }
+short BigInteger::toShort () const { return convertToSignedPrimitive <short, unsigned short>(); }
+BigInteger::CmpRes BigInteger::compareTo(const BigInteger &x) const {
+ // A greater sign implies a greater number
+ if (sign < x.sign)
+ return less;
+ else if (sign > x.sign)
+ return greater;
+ else switch (sign) {
+ // If the signs are the same...
+ case zero:
+ return equal; // Two zeros are equal
+ case positive:
+ // Compare the magnitudes
+ return mag.compareTo(x.mag);
+ case negative:
+ // Compare the magnitudes, but return the opposite result
+ return CmpRes(-mag.compareTo(x.mag));
+ default:
+ throw "BigInteger internal error";
+ }
+ * These do some messing around to determine the sign of the result,
+ * then call one of BigUnsigned's copy-less operations. */
+// See remarks about aliased calls in .
+#define DTRT_ALIASED(cond, op) \
+ if (cond) { \
+ BigInteger tmpThis; \
+ tmpThis.op; \
+ *this = tmpThis; \
+ return; \
+ }
+void BigInteger::add(const BigInteger &a, const BigInteger &b) {
+ DTRT_ALIASED(this == &a || this == &b, add(a, b));
+ // If one argument is zero, copy the other.
+ if (a.sign == zero)
+ operator =(b);
+ else if (b.sign == zero)
+ operator =(a);
+ // If the arguments have the same sign, take the
+ // common sign and add their magnitudes.
+ else if (a.sign == b.sign) {
+ sign = a.sign;
+ mag.add(a.mag, b.mag);
+ } else {
+ // Otherwise, their magnitudes must be compared.
+ switch (a.mag.compareTo(b.mag)) {
+ case equal:
+ // If their magnitudes are the same, copy zero.
+ mag = 0;
+ sign = zero;
+ break;
+ // Otherwise, take the sign of the greater, and subtract
+ // the lesser magnitude from the greater magnitude.
+ case greater:
+ sign = a.sign;
+ mag.subtract(a.mag, b.mag);
+ break;
+ case less:
+ sign = b.sign;
+ mag.subtract(b.mag, a.mag);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void BigInteger::subtract(const BigInteger &a, const BigInteger &b) {
+ // Notice that this routine is identical to BigInteger::add,
+ // if one replaces b.sign by its opposite.
+ DTRT_ALIASED(this == &a || this == &b, subtract(a, b));
+ // If a is zero, copy b and flip its sign. If b is zero, copy a.
+ if (a.sign == zero) {
+ mag = b.mag;
+ // Take the negative of _b_'s, sign, not ours.
+ // Bug pointed out by Sam Larkin on 2005.03.30.
+ sign = Sign(-b.sign);
+ } else if (b.sign == zero)
+ operator =(a);
+ // If their signs differ, take a.sign and add the magnitudes.
+ else if (a.sign != b.sign) {
+ sign = a.sign;
+ mag.add(a.mag, b.mag);
+ } else {
+ // Otherwise, their magnitudes must be compared.
+ switch (a.mag.compareTo(b.mag)) {
+ // If their magnitudes are the same, copy zero.
+ case equal:
+ mag = 0;
+ sign = zero;
+ break;
+ // If a's magnitude is greater, take a.sign and
+ // subtract a from b.
+ case greater:
+ sign = a.sign;
+ mag.subtract(a.mag, b.mag);
+ break;
+ // If b's magnitude is greater, take the opposite
+ // of b.sign and subtract b from a.
+ case less:
+ sign = Sign(-b.sign);
+ mag.subtract(b.mag, a.mag);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void BigInteger::multiply(const BigInteger &a, const BigInteger &b) {
+ DTRT_ALIASED(this == &a || this == &b, multiply(a, b));
+ // If one object is zero, copy zero and return.
+ if (a.sign == zero || b.sign == zero) {
+ sign = zero;
+ mag = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ // If the signs of the arguments are the same, the result
+ // is positive, otherwise it is negative.
+ sign = (a.sign == b.sign) ? positive : negative;
+ // Multiply the magnitudes.
+ mag.multiply(a.mag, b.mag);
+ * Please read the comments before the definition of
+ * `BigUnsigned::divideWithRemainder' in `' for lots of
+ * information you should know before reading this function.
+ *
+ * Following Knuth, I decree that x / y is to be
+ * 0 if y==0 and floor(real-number x / y) if y!=0.
+ * Then x % y shall be x - y*(integer x / y).
+ *
+ * Note that x = y * (x / y) + (x % y) always holds.
+ * In addition, (x % y) is from 0 to y - 1 if y > 0,
+ * and from -(|y| - 1) to 0 if y < 0. (x % y) = x if y = 0.
+ *
+ * Examples: (q = a / b, r = a % b)
+ * a b q r
+ * === === === ===
+ * 4 3 1 1
+ * -4 3 -2 2
+ * 4 -3 -2 -2
+ * -4 -3 1 -1
+ */
+void BigInteger::divideWithRemainder(const BigInteger &b, BigInteger &q) {
+ // Defend against aliased calls;
+ // same idea as in BigUnsigned::divideWithRemainder .
+ if (this == &q)
+ throw "BigInteger::divideWithRemainder: Cannot write quotient and remainder into the same variable";
+ if (this == &b || &q == &b) {
+ BigInteger tmpB(b);
+ divideWithRemainder(tmpB, q);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Division by zero gives quotient 0 and remainder *this
+ if (b.sign == zero) {
+ q.mag = 0;
+ q.sign = zero;
+ return;
+ }
+ // 0 / b gives quotient 0 and remainder 0
+ if (sign == zero) {
+ q.mag = 0;
+ q.sign = zero;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Here *this != 0, b != 0.
+ // Do the operands have the same sign?
+ if (sign == b.sign) {
+ // Yes: easy case. Quotient is zero or positive.
+ q.sign = positive;
+ } else {
+ // No: harder case. Quotient is negative.
+ q.sign = negative;
+ // Decrease the magnitude of the dividend by one.
+ mag--;
+ /*
+ * We tinker with the dividend before and with the
+ * quotient and remainder after so that the result
+ * comes out right. To see why it works, consider the following
+ * list of examples, where A is the magnitude-decreased
+ * a, Q and R are the results of BigUnsigned division
+ * with remainder on A and |b|, and q and r are the
+ * final results we want:
+ *
+ * a A b Q R q r
+ * -3 -2 3 0 2 -1 0
+ * -4 -3 3 1 0 -2 2
+ * -5 -4 3 1 1 -2 1
+ * -6 -5 3 1 2 -2 0
+ *
+ * It appears that we need a total of 3 corrections:
+ * Decrease the magnitude of a to get A. Increase the
+ * magnitude of Q to get q (and make it negative).
+ * Find r = (b - 1) - R and give it the desired sign.
+ */
+ }
+ // Divide the magnitudes.
+ mag.divideWithRemainder(b.mag, q.mag);
+ if (sign != b.sign) {
+ // More for the harder case (as described):
+ // Increase the magnitude of the quotient by one.
+ q.mag++;
+ // Modify the remainder.
+ mag.subtract(b.mag, mag);
+ mag--;
+ }
+ // Sign of the remainder is always the sign of the divisor b.
+ sign = b.sign;
+ // Set signs to zero as necessary. (Thanks David Allen!)
+ if (mag.isZero())
+ sign = zero;
+ if (q.mag.isZero())
+ q.sign = zero;
+ // WHEW!!!
+// Negation
+void BigInteger::negate(const BigInteger &a) {
+ DTRT_ALIASED(this == &a, negate(a));
+ // Copy a's magnitude
+ mag = a.mag;
+ // Copy the opposite of a.sign
+ sign = Sign(-a.sign);
+// Prefix increment
+void BigInteger::operator ++() {
+ if (sign == negative) {
+ mag--;
+ if (mag == 0)
+ sign = zero;
+ } else {
+ mag++;
+ sign = positive; // if not already
+ }
+// Postfix increment: same as prefix
+void BigInteger::operator ++(int) {
+ operator ++();
+// Prefix decrement
+void BigInteger::operator --() {
+ if (sign == positive) {
+ mag--;
+ if (mag == 0)
+ sign = zero;
+ } else {
+ mag++;
+ sign = negative;
+ }
+// Postfix decrement: same as prefix
+void BigInteger::operator --(int) {
+ operator --();
diff --git a/bigint/BigInteger.hh b/bigint/BigInteger.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf6e910
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bigint/BigInteger.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+#include "BigUnsigned.hh"
+/* A BigInteger object represents a signed integer of size limited only by
+ * available memory. BigUnsigneds support most mathematical operators and can
+ * be converted to and from most primitive integer types.
+ *
+ * A BigInteger is just an aggregate of a BigUnsigned and a sign. (It is no
+ * longer derived from BigUnsigned because that led to harmful implicit
+ * conversions.) */
+class BigInteger {
+ typedef BigUnsigned::Blk Blk;
+ typedef BigUnsigned::Index Index;
+ typedef BigUnsigned::CmpRes CmpRes;
+ static const CmpRes
+ less = BigUnsigned::less ,
+ equal = BigUnsigned::equal ,
+ greater = BigUnsigned::greater;
+ // Enumeration for the sign of a BigInteger.
+ enum Sign { negative = -1, zero = 0, positive = 1 };
+ Sign sign;
+ BigUnsigned mag;
+ // Constructs zero.
+ BigInteger() : sign(zero), mag() {}
+ // Copy constructor
+ BigInteger(const BigInteger &x) : sign(x.sign), mag(x.mag) {};
+ // Assignment operator
+ void operator=(const BigInteger &x);
+ // Constructor that copies from a given array of blocks with a sign.
+ BigInteger(const Blk *b, Index blen, Sign s);
+ // Nonnegative constructor that copies from a given array of blocks.
+ BigInteger(const Blk *b, Index blen) : mag(b, blen) {
+ sign = mag.isZero() ? zero : positive;
+ }
+ // Constructor from a BigUnsigned and a sign
+ BigInteger(const BigUnsigned &x, Sign s);
+ // Nonnegative constructor from a BigUnsigned
+ BigInteger(const BigUnsigned &x) : mag(x) {
+ sign = mag.isZero() ? zero : positive;
+ }
+ // Constructors from primitive integer types
+ BigInteger(unsigned long x);
+ BigInteger( long x);
+ BigInteger(unsigned int x);
+ BigInteger( int x);
+ BigInteger(unsigned short x);
+ BigInteger( short x);
+ /* Converters to primitive integer types
+ * The implicit conversion operators caused trouble, so these are now
+ * named. */
+ unsigned long toUnsignedLong () const;
+ long toLong () const;
+ unsigned int toUnsignedInt () const;
+ int toInt () const;
+ unsigned short toUnsignedShort() const;
+ short toShort () const;
+ // Helper
+ template <class X> X convertToUnsignedPrimitive() const;
+ template <class X, class UX> X convertToSignedPrimitive() const;
+ Sign getSign() const { return sign; }
+ /* The client can't do any harm by holding a read-only reference to the
+ * magnitude. */
+ const BigUnsigned &getMagnitude() const { return mag; }
+ // Some accessors that go through to the magnitude
+ Index getLength() const { return mag.getLength(); }
+ Index getCapacity() const { return mag.getCapacity(); }
+ Blk getBlock(Index i) const { return mag.getBlock(i); }
+ bool isZero() const { return sign == zero; } // A bit special
+ // Compares this to x like Perl's <=>
+ CmpRes compareTo(const BigInteger &x) const;
+ // Ordinary comparison operators
+ bool operator ==(const BigInteger &x) const {
+ return sign == x.sign && mag == x.mag;
+ }
+ bool operator !=(const BigInteger &x) const { return !operator ==(x); };
+ bool operator < (const BigInteger &x) const { return compareTo(x) == less ; }
+ bool operator <=(const BigInteger &x) const { return compareTo(x) != greater; }
+ bool operator >=(const BigInteger &x) const { return compareTo(x) != less ; }
+ bool operator > (const BigInteger &x) const { return compareTo(x) == greater; }
+ // OPERATORS -- See the discussion in BigUnsigned.hh.
+ void add (const BigInteger &a, const BigInteger &b);
+ void subtract(const BigInteger &a, const BigInteger &b);
+ void multiply(const BigInteger &a, const BigInteger &b);
+ /* See the comment on BigUnsigned::divideWithRemainder. Semantics
+ * differ from those of primitive integers when negatives and/or zeros
+ * are involved. */
+ void divideWithRemainder(const BigInteger &b, BigInteger &q);
+ void negate(const BigInteger &a);
+ /* Bitwise operators are not provided for BigIntegers. Use
+ * getMagnitude to get the magnitude and operate on that instead. */
+ BigInteger operator +(const BigInteger &x) const;
+ BigInteger operator -(const BigInteger &x) const;
+ BigInteger operator *(const BigInteger &x) const;
+ BigInteger operator /(const BigInteger &x) const;
+ BigInteger operator %(const BigInteger &x) const;
+ BigInteger operator -() const;
+ void operator +=(const BigInteger &x);
+ void operator -=(const BigInteger &x);
+ void operator *=(const BigInteger &x);
+ void operator /=(const BigInteger &x);
+ void operator %=(const BigInteger &x);
+ void flipSign();
+ void operator ++( );
+ void operator ++(int);
+ void operator --( );
+ void operator --(int);
+/* These create an object to hold the result and invoke
+ * the appropriate put-here operation on it, passing
+ * this and x. The new object is then returned. */
+inline BigInteger BigInteger::operator +(const BigInteger &x) const {
+ BigInteger ans;
+ ans.add(*this, x);
+ return ans;
+inline BigInteger BigInteger::operator -(const BigInteger &x) const {
+ BigInteger ans;
+ ans.subtract(*this, x);
+ return ans;
+inline BigInteger BigInteger::operator *(const BigInteger &x) const {
+ BigInteger ans;
+ ans.multiply(*this, x);
+ return ans;
+inline BigInteger BigInteger::operator /(const BigInteger &x) const {
+ if (x.isZero()) throw "BigInteger::operator /: division by zero";
+ BigInteger q, r;
+ r = *this;
+ r.divideWithRemainder(x, q);
+ return q;
+inline BigInteger BigInteger::operator %(const BigInteger &x) const {
+ if (x.isZero()) throw "BigInteger::operator %: division by zero";
+ BigInteger q, r;
+ r = *this;
+ r.divideWithRemainder(x, q);
+ return r;
+inline BigInteger BigInteger::operator -() const {
+ BigInteger ans;
+ ans.negate(*this);
+ return ans;
+ *
+ * Now the responsibility for making a temporary copy if necessary
+ * belongs to the put-here operations. See Assignment Operators in
+ * BigUnsigned.hh.
+ */
+inline void BigInteger::operator +=(const BigInteger &x) {
+ add(*this, x);
+inline void BigInteger::operator -=(const BigInteger &x) {
+ subtract(*this, x);
+inline void BigInteger::operator *=(const BigInteger &x) {
+ multiply(*this, x);
+inline void BigInteger::operator /=(const BigInteger &x) {
+ if (x.isZero()) throw "BigInteger::operator /=: division by zero";
+ /* The following technique is slightly faster than copying *this first
+ * when x is large. */
+ BigInteger q;
+ divideWithRemainder(x, q);
+ // *this contains the remainder, but we overwrite it with the quotient.
+ *this = q;
+inline void BigInteger::operator %=(const BigInteger &x) {
+ if (x.isZero()) throw "BigInteger::operator %=: division by zero";
+ BigInteger q;
+ // Mods *this by x. Don't care about quotient left in q.
+ divideWithRemainder(x, q);
+// This one is trivial
+inline void BigInteger::flipSign() {
+ sign = Sign(-sign);
diff --git a/bigint/ b/bigint/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7edebda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bigint/
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+#include "BigIntegerAlgorithms.hh"
+BigUnsigned gcd(BigUnsigned a, BigUnsigned b) {
+ BigUnsigned trash;
+ // Neat in-place alternating technique.
+ for (;;) {
+ if (b.isZero())
+ return a;
+ a.divideWithRemainder(b, trash);
+ if (a.isZero())
+ return b;
+ b.divideWithRemainder(a, trash);
+ }
+void extendedEuclidean(BigInteger m, BigInteger n,
+ BigInteger &g, BigInteger &r, BigInteger &s) {
+ if (&g == &r || &g == &s || &r == &s)
+ throw "BigInteger extendedEuclidean: Outputs are aliased";
+ BigInteger r1(1), s1(0), r2(0), s2(1), q;
+ /* Invariants:
+ * r1*m(orig) + s1*n(orig) == m(current)
+ * r2*m(orig) + s2*n(orig) == n(current) */
+ for (;;) {
+ if (n.isZero()) {
+ r = r1; s = s1; g = m;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Subtract q times the second invariant from the first invariant.
+ m.divideWithRemainder(n, q);
+ r1 -= q*r2; s1 -= q*s2;
+ if (m.isZero()) {
+ r = r2; s = s2; g = n;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Subtract q times the first invariant from the second invariant.
+ n.divideWithRemainder(m, q);
+ r2 -= q*r1; s2 -= q*s1;
+ }
+BigUnsigned modinv(const BigInteger &x, const BigUnsigned &n) {
+ BigInteger g, r, s;
+ extendedEuclidean(x, n, g, r, s);
+ if (g == 1)
+ // r*x + s*n == 1, so r*x === 1 (mod n), so r is the answer.
+ return (r % n).getMagnitude(); // (r % n) will be nonnegative
+ else
+ throw "BigInteger modinv: x and n have a common factor";
+BigUnsigned modexp(const BigInteger &base, const BigUnsigned &exponent,
+ const BigUnsigned &modulus) {
+ BigUnsigned ans = 1, base2 = (base % modulus).getMagnitude();
+ BigUnsigned::Index i = exponent.bitLength();
+ // For each bit of the exponent, most to least significant...
+ while (i > 0) {
+ i--;
+ // Square.
+ ans *= ans;
+ ans %= modulus;
+ // And multiply if the bit is a 1.
+ if (exponent.getBit(i)) {
+ ans *= base2;
+ ans %= modulus;
+ }
+ }
+ return ans;
diff --git a/bigint/BigIntegerAlgorithms.hh b/bigint/BigIntegerAlgorithms.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1dd943
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bigint/BigIntegerAlgorithms.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#include "BigInteger.hh"
+/* Some mathematical algorithms for big integers.
+ * This code is new and, as such, experimental. */
+// Returns the greatest common divisor of a and b.
+BigUnsigned gcd(BigUnsigned a, BigUnsigned b);
+/* Extended Euclidean algorithm.
+ * Given m and n, finds gcd g and numbers r, s such that r*m + s*n == g. */
+void extendedEuclidean(BigInteger m, BigInteger n,
+ BigInteger &g, BigInteger &r, BigInteger &s);
+/* Returns the multiplicative inverse of x modulo n, or throws an exception if
+ * they have a common factor. */
+BigUnsigned modinv(const BigInteger &x, const BigUnsigned &n);
+// Returns (base ^ exponent) % modulus.
+BigUnsigned modexp(const BigInteger &base, const BigUnsigned &exponent,
+ const BigUnsigned &modulus);
diff --git a/bigint/BigIntegerLibrary.hh b/bigint/BigIntegerLibrary.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a0ebee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bigint/BigIntegerLibrary.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+// This header file includes all of the library header files.
+#include "NumberlikeArray.hh"
+#include "BigUnsigned.hh"
+#include "BigInteger.hh"
+#include "BigIntegerAlgorithms.hh"
+#include "BigUnsignedInABase.hh"
+#include "BigIntegerUtils.hh"
diff --git a/bigint/ b/bigint/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44073af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bigint/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+#include "BigIntegerUtils.hh"
+#include "BigUnsignedInABase.hh"
+std::string bigUnsignedToString(const BigUnsigned &x) {
+ return std::string(BigUnsignedInABase(x, 10));
+std::string bigIntegerToString(const BigInteger &x) {
+ return (x.getSign() == BigInteger::negative)
+ ? (std::string("-") + bigUnsignedToString(x.getMagnitude()))
+ : (bigUnsignedToString(x.getMagnitude()));
+BigUnsigned stringToBigUnsigned(const std::string &s) {
+ return BigUnsigned(BigUnsignedInABase(s, 10));
+BigInteger stringToBigInteger(const std::string &s) {
+ // Recognize a sign followed by a BigUnsigned.
+ return (s[0] == '-') ? BigInteger(stringToBigUnsigned(s.substr(1, s.length() - 1)), BigInteger::negative)
+ : (s[0] == '+') ? BigInteger(stringToBigUnsigned(s.substr(1, s.length() - 1)))
+ : BigInteger(stringToBigUnsigned(s));
+std::ostream &operator <<(std::ostream &os, const BigUnsigned &x) {
+ BigUnsignedInABase::Base base;
+ long osFlags = os.flags();
+ if (osFlags & os.dec)
+ base = 10;
+ else if (osFlags & os.hex) {
+ base = 16;
+ if (osFlags & os.showbase)
+ os << "0x";
+ } else if (osFlags & os.oct) {
+ base = 8;
+ if (osFlags & os.showbase)
+ os << '0';
+ } else
+ throw "std::ostream << BigUnsigned: Could not determine the desired base from output-stream flags";
+ std::string s = std::string(BigUnsignedInABase(x, base));
+ os << s;
+ return os;
+std::ostream &operator <<(std::ostream &os, const BigInteger &x) {
+ if (x.getSign() == BigInteger::negative)
+ os << '-';
+ os << x.getMagnitude();
+ return os;
diff --git a/bigint/BigIntegerUtils.hh b/bigint/BigIntegerUtils.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c815b5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bigint/BigIntegerUtils.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+#include "BigInteger.hh"
+#include <string>
+#include <iostream>
+/* This file provides:
+ * - Convenient std::string <-> BigUnsigned/BigInteger conversion routines
+ * - std::ostream << operators for BigUnsigned/BigInteger */
+// std::string conversion routines. Base 10 only.
+std::string bigUnsignedToString(const BigUnsigned &x);
+std::string bigIntegerToString(const BigInteger &x);
+BigUnsigned stringToBigUnsigned(const std::string &s);
+BigInteger stringToBigInteger(const std::string &s);
+// Creates a BigInteger from data such as `char's; read below for details.
+template <class T>
+BigInteger dataToBigInteger(const T* data, BigInteger::Index length, BigInteger::Sign sign);
+// Outputs x to os, obeying the flags `dec', `hex', `bin', and `showbase'.
+std::ostream &operator <<(std::ostream &os, const BigUnsigned &x);
+// Outputs x to os, obeying the flags `dec', `hex', `bin', and `showbase'.
+// My somewhat arbitrary policy: a negative sign comes before a base indicator (like -0xFF).
+std::ostream &operator <<(std::ostream &os, const BigInteger &x);
+ * Converts binary data to a BigInteger.
+ * Pass an array `data', its length, and the desired sign.
+ *
+ * Elements of `data' may be of any type `T' that has the following
+ * two properties (this includes almost all integral types):
+ *
+ * (1) `sizeof(T)' correctly gives the amount of binary data in one
+ * value of `T' and is a factor of `sizeof(Blk)'.
+ *
+ * (2) When a value of `T' is casted to a `Blk', the low bytes of
+ * the result contain the desired binary data.
+ */
+template <class T>
+BigInteger dataToBigInteger(const T* data, BigInteger::Index length, BigInteger::Sign sign) {
+ // really ceiling(numBytes / sizeof(BigInteger::Blk))
+ unsigned int pieceSizeInBits = 8 * sizeof(T);
+ unsigned int piecesPerBlock = sizeof(BigInteger::Blk) / sizeof(T);
+ unsigned int numBlocks = (length + piecesPerBlock - 1) / piecesPerBlock;
+ // Allocate our block array
+ BigInteger::Blk *blocks = new BigInteger::Blk[numBlocks];
+ BigInteger::Index blockNum, pieceNum, pieceNumHere;
+ // Convert
+ for (blockNum = 0, pieceNum = 0; blockNum < numBlocks; blockNum++) {
+ BigInteger::Blk curBlock = 0;
+ for (pieceNumHere = 0; pieceNumHere < piecesPerBlock && pieceNum < length;
+ pieceNumHere++, pieceNum++)
+ curBlock |= (BigInteger::Blk(data[pieceNum]) << (pieceSizeInBits * pieceNumHere));
+ blocks[blockNum] = curBlock;
+ }
+ // Create the BigInteger.
+ BigInteger x(blocks, numBlocks, sign);
+ delete [] blocks;
+ return x;
diff --git a/bigint/ b/bigint/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7f9889
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bigint/
@@ -0,0 +1,697 @@
+#include "BigUnsigned.hh"
+// Memory management definitions have moved to the bottom of NumberlikeArray.hh.
+// The templates used by these constructors and converters are at the bottom of
+// BigUnsigned.hh.
+BigUnsigned::BigUnsigned(unsigned long x) { initFromPrimitive (x); }
+BigUnsigned::BigUnsigned(unsigned int x) { initFromPrimitive (x); }
+BigUnsigned::BigUnsigned(unsigned short x) { initFromPrimitive (x); }
+BigUnsigned::BigUnsigned( long x) { initFromSignedPrimitive(x); }
+BigUnsigned::BigUnsigned( int x) { initFromSignedPrimitive(x); }
+BigUnsigned::BigUnsigned( short x) { initFromSignedPrimitive(x); }
+unsigned long BigUnsigned::toUnsignedLong () const { return convertToPrimitive <unsigned long >(); }
+unsigned int BigUnsigned::toUnsignedInt () const { return convertToPrimitive <unsigned int >(); }
+unsigned short BigUnsigned::toUnsignedShort() const { return convertToPrimitive <unsigned short>(); }
+long BigUnsigned::toLong () const { return convertToSignedPrimitive< long >(); }
+int BigUnsigned::toInt () const { return convertToSignedPrimitive< int >(); }
+short BigUnsigned::toShort () const { return convertToSignedPrimitive< short>(); }
+void BigUnsigned::setBlock(Index i, Blk newBlock) {
+ if (newBlock == 0) {
+ if (i < len) {
+ blk[i] = 0;
+ zapLeadingZeros();
+ }
+ // If i >= len, no effect.
+ } else {
+ if (i >= len) {
+ // The nonzero block extends the number.
+ allocateAndCopy(i+1);
+ // Zero any added blocks that we aren't setting.
+ for (Index j = len; j < i; j++)
+ blk[j] = 0;
+ len = i+1;
+ }
+ blk[i] = newBlock;
+ }
+/* Evidently the compiler wants BigUnsigned:: on the return type because, at
+ * that point, it hasn't yet parsed the BigUnsigned:: on the name to get the
+ * proper scope. */
+BigUnsigned::Index BigUnsigned::bitLength() const {
+ if (isZero())
+ return 0;
+ else {
+ Blk leftmostBlock = getBlock(len - 1);