Name | Description | Owner | Idle | Links |
CLscrap.git | craigslist scraper written in Python that returns JSON via RESTful API, also ren... | git daemon | 8 years | summarylogtree |
GLPyramid++.git | turned out to be unmaintainable code... | git daemon | 12 years | summarylogtree |
GLPyramid.git | Used to be OpenGL triangle, but turned into small framework | git daemon | 12 years | summarylogtree |
OBJLoader.git | Painful piece of code | git daemon | 12 years | summarylogtree |
PythonPractice.git | practicing and learning Python | git daemon | 15 months | summarylogtree |
TXRExtractor.git | Result of weeks of reverse engineering, this tool is an archive unpacker for Jap... | git daemon | 10 years | summarylogtree | | Scripts that aid compilation of git | git daemon | 12 years | summarylogtree |
bst++.git | Binary search tree using C++ and datatype templating | git daemon | 12 years | summarylogtree |
c++.git | C++ hackery and life long learning proccess | git daemon | 11 years | summarylogtree |
collection++.git | C++ abstract class / interface example | git daemon | 12 years | summarylogtree |
configs.git | config files | git daemon | 2 years | summarylogtree |
cstring++.git | C style string implemented in C++ | git daemon | 11 years | summarylogtree |
drupal-quest.git | drupal misc stuff | git daemon | 11 years | summarylogtree |
express-upload.git | node.js, express, multer, html5 Uploader with progress bar | git daemon | 8 years | summarylogtree |
fracturedcms.git | fracturedcms, a flat file php5 cms, fork of wondercms | git daemon | 10 years | summarylogtree |
fubar.git | Proxy Node.JS server that provides realtime communication between multiple clien... | git daemon | 12 years | summarylogtree |
gentoox.git | an optimized binary gentoo distribution utilizing -O3 graphite LTO and AVX | git daemon | 3 years | summarylogtree |
glshader2.1.git | Basic vertex and fragment shaders | git daemon | 14 years | summarylogtree |
glvbo.git | OpenGL VBO example | git daemon | 14 years | summarylogtree |
gtk2src.git | Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. | git daemon | 11 years | summarylogtree |
hashtable.git | Hash table in C | git daemon | 14 years | summarylogtree |
hello_autotools.git | Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. | git daemon | 8 years | summarylogtree |
jsexamples.git | Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. | git daemon | 23 months | summarylogtree |
kernelhello.git | Linux char device, uses /proc, debugfs, linked list, semaphores, transfers buffe... | git daemon | 12 years | summarylogtree |
klotski.git | Sliding block puzzle game | git daemon | 14 years | summarylogtree |
lua.git | Lua scratch files | git daemon | 13 years | summarylogtree |
luaload.git | Loading a Lua table into C code | git daemon | 14 years | summarylogtree |
mega.git | drupal module illustrating hooks, apis, theming, for learning purposes | git daemon | 11 years | summarylogtree |
mining.git | none of your business | git daemon | 12 years | summarylogtree |
phpsandbox.git | PHP sandbox, nothing to see here | git daemon | 10 years | summarylogtree |
poker.git | Console poker game using C++ | git daemon | 12 years | summarylogtree |
rsacrypt.git | RSA encryption project | git daemon | 12 years | summarylogtree |
sandbox.git | My playground | git daemon | 4 years | summarylogtree |
scripts.git | bash scripts and etc | git daemon | 6 years | summarylogtree |
sdl.git | My take on bare OpenGL and SDL skeleton | git daemon | 12 years | summarylogtree |
sorts.git | Various sorting algorithms | git daemon | 12 years | summarylogtree |
tcpflow.git | Reconstructs dumped tcp packets and extracts images | git daemon | 12 years | summarylogtree |
trees.git | Tree algorithms | git daemon | 12 years | summarylogtree |
webcrawler.git | A crawler that scans all <a href=""> and <img src="" /> tags | git daemon | 12 years | summarylogtree |
websandbox.git | XHTML, CSS, and JQuery playground | git daemon | 10 years | summarylogtree |
mirrors |
git | the dscm | | | summarylogtree |
linux | the kernel | | | summarylogtree |